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[Release!] Gemini Project 4.7

Aanbevolen berichten

This weekend it is so far, we will release the new Gemini-Images!
On Friday the Gemini 4.7 for the DM800 will be released, on Saturday the image for the DM7025 and on Sunday the Image for the DM8000.

Furthermore, our wiki has been completely overworked for the new Gemini-version.

* Shut down Enigma over menu->Standby/Reboot (has to be activated first at the, look at the wiki)
* On formating devices they can be labeled too
* Filesystemcheck for all "ext3" devices now in the device manager
* Keep old EPG data, can be set at BP -> settings -> EPG, works only in single EPG
* OSD fading - BP -> settings-> general
* The streamripper in dreamnetcast can now record a single track or a whole stream
* You can start the Picutreviewer now from the jukebox or dreamnetcast (slideshow with music background)
* SyncTool, must be additional installed from the addon server (in plugins), afterwards there will be a new option in the BP (BP -> GeminiExtras -> SyncTool). Can be combined with the CronManager in the daemons menu, to sync daily or weekly
* Widget for the hyphen in the screens. An example can be found at, look for eDivider. Through that, a lot of screens will have to be adapted unfortunately. Which ones can you find in too.

Fixes + Updates:
* Jukebox, quick changing of tracks
* UPNP-Server extended. The network device can be selected now (important for WLAN). Automatic refresh can be activated. Webinterface activated (Port 49152).
* see CVS

* Just use skins, which are adaptet for this Version, otherwise Enigma won't boot anymore!
* Attention, there is a bug in the drivers, if you have built in 2 additional alps dvb-s2 tuners
* The GP-Wiki has been completely overworked, with HD skins now:

Your Gemini-Team!

Xtrend ET9000 - OpenPLi 4.0
Ontvangst: 7,13,19,23,28,42E


ja ik had gister net 4.6 erop gezet, was ik niet tevreden over dus weer terug naar 4.5 en dan dit bericht!!!!!!


nou ja deze er dan maar eens op zetten, hopen dat het beeld mij nu wel bevalt.

VU+ Ultimo 4K ccs 1TB, VU+ Uno cable, both running on  OpenPli, Rotating Triax TDA110, Apple air capsule extreme

Origineel bericht van: Filter
Redelijk nieuw hier .
Waar kan ik hem downloaden?

Alvast bedankt

DM 800HD open pli

T90 7-13-19.2-23.5-28.2 Oost en 30 West

Amiko Alien

Samsung LE40A856


Kan hierop de xmltv plugin werken ?

Anders ga ik deze niet proberen hoor.

ET9200 | Xsarius Rotor | NAS 2TB | USBStick 4GB


Is er nu ook een snelle manier om van Gemini 4.5 naar deze 4.7 te komen zonder alles weer opnieuw te moeten installeren en configureren? Want de backup maakt namelijk maar een deel van wat je hebt geinstalleerd.

Origineel bericht van: Obi Wan
This weekend it is so far, we will release the new Gemini-Images!
On Friday the Gemini 4.7 for the DM800 will be released, on Saturday the image for the DM7025 and on Sunday the Image for the DM8000.

Furthermore, our wiki has been completely overworked for the new Gemini-version.

* Shut down Enigma over menu->Standby/Reboot (has to be activated first at the, look at the wiki)
* On formating devices they can be labeled too
* Filesystemcheck for all "ext3" devices now in the device manager
* Keep old EPG data, can be set at BP -> settings -> EPG, works only in single EPG
* OSD fading - BP -> settings-> general
* The streamripper in dreamnetcast can now record a single track or a whole stream
* You can start the Picutreviewer now from the jukebox or dreamnetcast (slideshow with music background)
* SyncTool, must be additional installed from the addon server (in plugins), afterwards there will be a new option in the BP (BP -> GeminiExtras -> SyncTool). Can be combined with the CronManager in the daemons menu, to sync daily or weekly
* Widget for the hyphen in the screens. An example can be found at, look for eDivider. Through that, a lot of screens will have to be adapted unfortunately. Which ones can you find in too.

Fixes + Updates:
* Jukebox, quick changing of tracks
* UPNP-Server extended. The network device can be selected now (important for WLAN). Automatic refresh can be activated. Webinterface activated (Port 49152).
* see CVS

* Just use skins, which are adaptet for this Version, otherwise Enigma won't boot anymore!
* Attention, there is a bug in the drivers, if you have built in 2 additional alps dvb-s2 tuners
* The GP-Wiki has been completely overworked, with HD skins now:

Your Gemini-Team!

komt er die voor de 500 confused

gaat toch erg snel.

je neemt een backup van je eventuele scripts in /usr/script


duurt 15 minuutjes en alles is klaar.

firmware erin.

channels erin

je cccam.cfg erin.

en je eventuele scripts er weer in...



2 x Dreambox 800HD

1 x Dreambox 800SE HD

VU Ultimo 4K

Technisat Multytenne 45 (19E,13E,23E,28E

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