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Ik had een com overrun error!

Dit heb ik gehad sinds ik een nieuwe pc met win7 gebruik.


op internet dit gevonden;


Serial port overruns are related to a systems inability for the CPU to service the COM port interrupts fast enough, maybe due to blocking by the other devices.


The "COM port detected a Receive Overrun Error" occurs if data is received by the UART receive buffer when the receive FIFO buffer is full. That is, before a COM port interrupt is serviced by the CPU to copy the receive buffer to RAM. The COM port interrupt trigger level is a Windows setting, this is typically defaulted to 14 - ie. generate a CPU interrupt when 14 of the 16 bytes in the UART buffer are full. In this case the last byte in the UART receive FIFO is overwritten and that data is lost.


You could try changing:

(1) the COM port speed (reduce)

(2) the COM port duty cycle (reduce)

(3) the UART settings. For example reduce both buffers to 8 (ensure that the transmit FIFO is not larger than the receive FIFO).

(4) Reducing the number of interupts generated by other hardware. reducing the load on the other hardware.


Ik heb de UART settings veranderd in 8 en 14 en het probleem is opgelost.


Met de zoekfunctie kon ik hier de oplossing niet vinden, dat probleem is nu opgelost. (ten minste voor het komende jaar)



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