roymar Geplaatst: 3 april 2010 Geplaatst: 3 april 2010 Ik zag hem hier nog niet staan, dus open ik maar even een draadje hier over. Te downloaden op het Forum van Dream-Elite Dream Elite Vu+ Duo BH 1.2 Multiboot Dream Elite Vu+ Duo BH 1.2 Multiboot Based on Official release 4.2 Driver memory usage optimization - allocate more memory to user application. Adjust DiseqC message timing Fix Radio channel audio problem Support PIG Fix "Box does not wake up after long inactivity" problem.(Fixed at 4.1) Fix HD Skin VFD Display Fix E2 skin cutlisteditor bug NEW Drivers New Meoboot version 0.96xVuDuo New Skin: Army Acqua HD awesome HD skin with large size fonts and panels Warning: BECAUSE OF NEW DRIVERS THIS IMAGE HAVE TO BE INSTALLED IN FLASH YOU CANNOT INSTALL THIS IMAGE IN MULTIBOOT WITH PREVIOUS DREAM ELITE BH 1.0 IMAGE OR ANY OTHER IMAGE. THIS IMAGE HAVE TO STAY IN FLASH. Warning1: AFTER IMAGE INSTALLATION GOTO DEVICES PANEL AND MAP YOUR DEVICES. REMEMBER TO INSTALL MEOBOOT ONLY AFTER YOU HAVE MAPPED YOUR DEVICES. Warnig2: ONCE YOU HAVE INSTALLED MEOBOOT DON'T MOVE DEVICE IN WICH MEOBOOT IS INSTALLED. (AS FOR EXAMPLE IF MEOBOOT IS INSTALLED ON USB DON'T REMAP THE DEVICE OF MEOBOOT ON USB2). NEW NEW NEW: NEW DEVICE PANEL WITH MOUNTPOINTS FOR DEVICE MAPPING Short instructions 1.Map/mount Device (red button) (Example1: for Multiboot as /media/usb) (Example2: as hdd /media/hdd) 2.Format Device (yellow button) 3.Map/Mount Device after format (red button) (Example1: for Multiboot as /media/usb) (Example2: as hdd /media/hdd) After each step we need image restart This image is a final Black Hole serie, entirely rewrote and recoded to have maximum stability and performance. We remember that black hole serie images have the best epg system available: - Integrated Openepg for Sky-it Sky-uk Sky-Au - Latest CVS enigma2 Epg features - New external epg.dat system. Therefore, each board or community can create its favourite EPG data files, and upload it to a web space. Community members can then download it from that server. This feature offers additional benefits, such as: EPG download increased speed EPG download from any channel EPG scheduled download also during standby User set EPG Providers Add/Remove Boot logo by Army MeoBoot 0.96 x VU+ Duo About MeoBoot What is MeoBoot: MeoBoot is very light Multiboot tool for Enigma 2 images. System requirements: This version of MeoBoot is exclusive for Vu+ Duo machine with Usb pen Drives. MeoBoot only accepts devices formatted in Linux ext filesystem and this to ensure the best performance in dreambox native environment. Operation: MeoBoot is very simple and intuitive. The plugin includes an Help button, explaining where to upload images before install and how to remove it. It also includes a feature to format the device where the MultiBoot will be used. To install MeoBoot into your VU+ Duo: 1) Insert your USB stick in VU + Duo 2) From your receiver go to the plugins list 3) Green button for devices 4) Red button format 5) Red button to install it and after restarting the plugin To install an image in Multiboot with MeoBoot: WARNING: YOU CAN INSTALL IMAGES IN MULTIBOOT IN .NFI FORMAT 1) Upload th image file xxxx.nfi in: /media/ meoboot/MbootUpload / 9) Red button to install the image 10) Wait a few minutes until the procedure will be complete and your Vu+ Duo will be autamatically reboot. Main Function Keys Button 1xOK = Light Info Skin Button 2xOK = Extra Info Skin Button Blue = Dream ELite Blue Panel Button 1x Blue + 1x Red = Dream Elite Epg Panel Button 1x Blue + 1x Yellow = New System Monitor Panel Button Blue-Long-Push = Extensions Button Green = Dream Elite Green Panel Button Green-Long-Push = Subservices Button 1x Green + 1x Red = CCcam Info Button Red = Start Record Button Yellow = Time Shift Addons Dedicated Addons Server Download and install additional packages from Dream Elite server Infobar/OSD Enigma2 Analogic Clock Channel Orbital Position Advanced Tuner Info: Sr Freq Pol Fec Signal SNR, BER Infobar Picons LCD/OLED Picons Advanced EMU information Dream Elite Panels features 1) Blue Panel Setup Black Hole Cron Manager OSD Settings Devices Manager Kernel Modules Manager Fast Plugin Settings Inadyn Settings Swap File Settings Hard Disk Setup Black Hole Mount Wizard OpenVPN Panel Samba/Cifs Panel NFS Server Panel Telnet Panel FTP Panel System Monitor Panel CCcam Info Service Info Enigma2 Settings About Memory Space CPU Process AutoCam Select EMU by Channel 2) Green Panel CCcam Info Fast Plugin Addons Addons Download Manager Manual Install Del packages Manual Install IPK packages Addons Uninstall Panel Dream Elite Statistics Scripts Many thanks to the Beta Testers Team. Many thanks to Rytec and Munja for all the epg servers providing precompiled Epg.dat for Dream Elite Image. Image Credits E2 Sky Epg loader integration by MaxZ4. Many Thanks to lukkino (VDR-Italia) for opentv source code. Many thanks to Reinh@rd for the satellites.xml file. MeoBoot x Vu+Duo Credits: Many Thanks to gutemine. This version of MeoBoot could not exists without gutemine works and code in nfi extraction. This Images doesn't contain any keys nor softcams. Backups or other modified Images are not supported! INSTRUCTIONS FOR USB VERSION: 1) Unzip package 2) Copy the content of the package in a Usb Pen (fat32 formatted) 3) Insert Usb pen in Vu+ Duo front Panel and REMOVE ALL OTHER USB 4) Reboot your Vu+ duo and follow instructions. Mutant HD2400,Vu+ Duo, Xtrend ET6000, 2x Relook 400s, Skystar2 en Wavefield WV85THDS schotel 1W/5E/9-10E/13E/19.2E/23.5E/28.2E en de satellietmeter Xsarius HD easy
Tonskidutch Geplaatst: 3 april 2010 Geplaatst: 3 april 2010 ga ik zeker eens erin plempen. kijken wat die allemaal kan ! thanks for info ciao We Live And Die Morcheeba
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