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QNAP firmware <nieuwe release>

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he die gaan we eens testen.

is dit de versie waar je rechtstreeks met een iphone app op kunt???

Sinds ik een dreambox heb, heb ik geen tijd meer om tv te kijken.
Dreambox: 8000, VU+ DUO2, VU+ SOLO Wavefrontier 8 LNB T90, SG2100, Qnap 219 pro+ , 2bay Asustore Nas

  • 1 maand later...

29-06 kwam 3.3.0_Build0629 deze uit

met heel wat verbeteringen naar het schijnt

moet nog flashen en testen.



[What's New?]

- Multimedia Station 2 with iPhone/iPod Touch (QMobile) support

- Support HFS+ file system read & write on external drives

- ISO mount (for both Web File Manager & NAS Web Administration)

- Virtual host for web server

- Buzzer control

- Surveillance Station supports the following new IP cameras:

Axis: M1011-W, M-1011, M-1031-W, 206, 206W, 207W

Vivotek: IP7330, IP7142, IP7135, FD7131

D-Link: DCS 2121, 5220 A2

Linksys: WVC54GCA, WVC54GC

- Firmware Live Update

- Upgraded iSCSI target for ARM-based models

- IPv6 Support



- Time Machine backup management

- Enhanced quota management

- Option for enabling SFTP

- Enhanced Resource Monitor

- QMobile support in Bonjour

- Support Windows file attributes

- Upgraded Samba to 3.5.2

- Upgraded Proftpd to 1.3.2e

- Upgraded iTunes Server (Mt-daap:v0.2.4.2)

- New modules support on php: dba, dbase, shmop, wddx, zip, xmlrpc

- Microsoft Networking Advanced options


* Automatically register in DNS

* Provides option for NTLMv2 authentication only

- Add "refresh" button to refresh the domain user/group list

- Add publish date for latest news (RSS reader)

- Upgraded Netatalk to 2.1 (AFP 3.2)

- Upgraded mDNSResponder(Bonjour) to 214.3

- Upgraded TwonkyMedia server to 5.1.6

- Automatic name resolution verification for DNS setting


[Major Bug Fixes]

- [system Administration] The IP addresses were not correctly displayed in the logs in some situations

- [system Administration] Notification was not sent after NAS abnormal shutdown

- [system Administration] DST errors in some regions

- [Disk Management] Thin-provisioning created LUN over 2TB cannot be renamed

- [Disk Management] HDD S.M.A.R.T. test errors on some hard drives

- [backup] Synchronized backup to external drives if it contains some special symbols

- [Network Services] login error if FTP with SSL/TLS (Explicit) is enabled

- [Network Services] The "Re-launch process [proftpd]" error if too many shares exist

- [Network Services] Display error after the change of file name encoding

- [Network Services] Did not advertise WINS in DHCP response

- [surveillance Station] Codec installation failure on 64-bit Windows

- [surveillance Station] Please install the following tools on your PC if VIVOTEK and its OEM cameras do not function properly.,1,1,

- [Time Machine] The quota setting in Time Machine cannot exceed 4TB

- [uPnP Media Server] Twonky Media Server self-restarts on some media files

- [uPnP Media Server] Twonky Media Server is unable to display some MP4 files

- Performance decrease 10% after network re-connect

- [AFP] Fixed AFP connection issue when AppleDB is broken (recover DB automatically)

- [import SSL Certificate] Fixed SSL certificate can't be imported

- [Time Machine] Fixed Bonjour broadcast service for Time Machine support won't be stopped after disabling Time Machine support

- Fixed synchronized backup issue to the NTFS external drive

- [NFS] Fixed NFS mount issue when the path exceeds 32 characters


[Known Issues]

- (Surveillence Station) Y-CAM Generic V2 will be disconnected if selecting channel in Live View page.

bron forum.qnap



Singing in the Shower

Les Rita Mitsouko & Sparks



uhm... whistle


let wel op de 3.3.0 is niet voor alle uitgekomen

oudere zoals mijn 209 pro kunnen nog even wachten


zie de website

lid maken






Singing in the Shower

Les Rita Mitsouko & Sparks


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