yvessr Geplaatst: 7 september 2010 Geplaatst: 7 september 2010 aansluitend bij mijn vraag in vorig onderwerp: ik ontdekte zopas een 'nieuw' image: VIX Team Vu+ Duo Image... lijkt me indrukwekkend!!!... iemand al getest of enige ervaring ??? ... effen googlen en je vind hem wel... Vu+ Zero: OpenPli 8.3
Tonskidutch Geplaatst: 7 september 2010 Geplaatst: 7 september 2010 Citaat: New VIX Image - v1.0 05/09/2010 - OE1.6 From VIX Team Based on Official 5.2 Image Enigma: 28.07.2010-vuplus_experimental. Drivers: 27.08.2010. GCC Version: 4.4.3. Team VIX Enhancements VIX Bootlogos and Radio Logo. VIX Team Vu_HD+ Skin. VIX Team softcam manager. Cron jobs fully supported - Please restart the box to get the cron daemon running! AutoTimer plugin integrated into image - Create an AutoTimer (Series Link), using Blue button in Current Channel EPG info. CoolTV Plugin included in image, and modified to better embed with the image. CCcam Info re-written for Image. CCcam Info on Second Info Bar (Written specifically for the image to improve load times). Swap Manager to create/use swap files on usb/hdd. Modified Rytec EPG importer to work with OE 1.6*. Image patched to allow EPG data to be loaded without the need for a restart**. Recorded Items list modified to move item, browse directories. Works similarly to suomipoeka plugin. Can be selected to load via the recorded items button, or from the tv button. Permanent Timeshift Plugin integrated (Disabled by default, turn on via Timeshift settings). Integrated AutoTimer Integrated VirtualZap Integrated EPG Search Integrated IMDb Search * Pre-compiled epg.dat files can also be loaded with this plugin, but the rytec epg.dats can cause problems. So far in testing, satmate epg's seem fine. **Uses version2 of the crossepg patch, and is compatible with crossepg. Button Mappings Short Red - Show current event info. Long Red - Show current channel EPG info. Short Green - Timers. Long Green - AutoTimer Timers. Short Yellow - EPG Search. Long Yellow - IMDB Database. Short Blue - Extensions. Long Blue - Plugins Menu. EPG - Opens the Cool TV EPG plugin Known Bugs Motor moving image does not display - Problem with main driver, reported to VU+. Front VFD display showing the play button at the end of a video unless it is stopped manually - Problem with main driver, reported to VU+. ECM time on second info bar in skin is not currently shown - New version of CCcam needed for OE1.6. (libgcc_s.so fix is unstable). Installing other skins will cause the box to get into an infinite loop. Only use supported skins on this image (currently Vu_HD_Plus is the only supported skin) komt ook nog aan de beurt (maar effe niet nu) zoals je weet ook in de database van vuplus-support forum ciao We Live And Die Morcheeba
roymar Geplaatst: 7 september 2010 Geplaatst: 7 september 2010 Ziet er hartstikke goed uit en heb hem er even in gehad en heeft veel potentie en ook goede dingen uit diverse images, het enigste wat me nog niet beviel was dat de txt-ondertiteling alleen rood is en dat m'n netwerkmounts nog niet werken. verder beviel hij mij zeer goed, maar ga voorlopig nog even terug naar PLI. Gr.Roymar Mutant HD2400,Vu+ Duo, Xtrend ET6000, 2x Relook 400s, Skystar2 en Wavefield WV85THDS schotel 1W/5E/9-10E/13E/19.2E/23.5E/28.2E en de satellietmeter Xsarius HD easy
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