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Kan iemand zeggen hoe nu precies de instellingen moet staan voor deze 2 programma's voor het op de juiste manier van uit en inladen van zenderlijsten van de VU DUO.

~ VU+ ULTIMO ~ Open pli® 4 ~ HUMAX 5100 ~ Kabelbox ~ TRIAX 78 ~ Astra (19,2) Astra (23,5)


overigens is er een nieuwe versie uit van dreamboxedit ihad edition

Datum: 02.09.2010



- added DVB-S2 transponder data editing

- added DVB-S2 export/import

- added support for circular polarisation

- fixed re-import of exported services and bouquet files

- fixed export of renamed services

- fixed satellites.xml update function

- fixed some missing translations

- language files updated

- code cleanup



Our Love Is Her To Stay

Natalie Cole



en nog eentje nieuwer:


DreamBoxEdit-IHAD Edition




- fixed total service counter was overlapped by displayed service counter if bouquet panel size was changed

- fixed application hung if you tried to drag&drop a service in user bouquet to the same position

- fixed flickering hint in details list

- fixed sorting of alternatives is now possible, first service in row is the primary service

- fixed some missing translations

- changed algorithm for generation of alternatives filename

- changed to a good quality picon resizing algorithm

- added picon size 40x30 (downsizing for 71x53 and 70x53) and 40x24 (downsizing for 100x60) in options panel,

40x30 is the default size now, all picons are resized to this size for smaller picons in user details list,

if you like to see the picons in its original size just select the proper size in options panel


ciao ciao

Our Love Is Her To Stay

Natalie Cole


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