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Error melding bij opstarten na fatal error


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Ik heb ruim een week geleden een problem gehad met IE, waarna deze door XP werd afgesloten. Siondsdien krijg ik bij opstarten steeds weer de melding dat XP afgesloten is met een fatal error. Naderhand heb ik geen problemen meer gehad. De vraag: Hoe kom ik van die melding af ?





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Als je een weekje kunt wachten heb ik wel een beschrijving voor je hoe je hier vanaf kunt komen. Duurt dat te lang dan is het ook nog mogelijk in het register te gaan frutten. Zoek naar "error", "fatal error" of een deel van de melding. Een van de sleutels die je dan vind heeft waarde 1, die moet je op 0 zetten. Pas wel op en begin hier alleen maar aan als je vaker met het register gewrkt hebt.




Only those who know the secret can read a stream of bytes

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Ik heb de registry al door gescand, maar ik kan daar niets vinden.

De boodschap is:


The system has recovered froma serious error

A log of this error has been cretated

For more information about this eror click here


Als je klikt krijg je een stukje dump.


Dus als je wat weet, ook al duurt het een week, dan ben ik daar zeer mee ingenomen.


Ik had de boodscap al voor ik met vakantie ging. Ik heb nieuwe soft ge-installerd, dus wil eigenlijk liever niet terug naar een vorig 'herstelput'.


PS: Ik heb de engelse XP-pro versie.


Alvast bedankt allemaal.


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ik heb nog vakantie maar op het werk heb ik ergens de oplossing liggen. Er is een patch voor of de oplossing staat in de knowledge base. Staat ook ergens op de site van ms. mail even als je zelf wat vindt.



Only those who know the secret can read a stream of bytes

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The information in this article applies to:

Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition

Microsoft Windows XP Professional




Configuring Recovery Techniques




You can configure the actions that Windows takes when a severe error (also called a fatal system error, or stop error) occurs. You can configure the following actions:

Write an event to the System log.

Alert administrators.

Dump system memory to a file that advanced users can use for debugging.

Automatically restart the computer.

You must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group to complete this procedure. If your computer is connected to a network, network policy settings may also prevent you from completing this procedure.


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Configuring Recovery Techniques

Click Start, click Control Panel, click Performance and Maintenance, and then click System.

Click the Advanced tab.

Under Startup and Recovery, click Settings.

Under System Failure, select the check boxes that correspond to the actions that you want Windows to perform if a sever error occurs.

Write an event to the System log specifies that event information will be recorded in the System log.

Send an administrative alert specifies that your system administrator will be notified. For additional information about how to set an alert, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q310490 HOW TO: Set Up Administrative Alerts in Windows XP

Automatically restart specifies that Windows will automatically restart your computer.

Under Write Debugging Information, choose the type of information that you want Windows to record if the computer stops unexpectedly:

Small Memory Dump records the smallest amount of information that will help identify the problem. This option requires a paging file of at least 2 megabytes (MB) on the boot volume of your computer and specifies that Windows will create a new file each time the system stops unexpectedly. A history of these files is stored in the folder that is listed under Small Dump Directory (%SystemRoot%\Minidump).

Kernel Memory Dump records only kernel memory, which speeds up the process of recording information in a log when the computer stops unexpectedly. Depending on the amount of RAM in your computer, you must have from 50 MB to 800 MB available for the paging file on the boot volume. The file is stored in the folder that is listed under Dump File (%SystemRoot%\Memory.dmp).

Complete Memory Dump records the entire contents of system memory when the computer stops unexpectedly. If you choose this option, you must have on the boot volume a paging file that is large enough to hold all of the physical RAM plus one megabyte. The file is stored in the folder that is listed under Dump File (%SystemRoot%\Memory.dmp).


The extra megabyte is required for a complete memory dump because Windows writes a header in addition to dumping the memory contents. The header contains a crash dump signature, and also specifies the values of a number of kernel variables. The header information does not require a full megabyte of space, but Windows sizes your paging file in increments of megabytes.

Note that if you contact Microsoft Product Support Services about a stop error, you might be asked for the system-memory dump file that is generated by the Write Debugging Information option.

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To take advantage of the dump file feature, your paging file must be on the boot volume. If you have moved the paging file to another volume, you should move it back.

If you choose either Kernel Memory Dump or Complete Memory Dump and you select the Overwrite any existing file check box, Windows always writes to the same file name. To save individual dump files, clear the Overwrite any existing file check box and change the file name after each stop error.

You can save some memory if you clear the Write an event to the system log and Send an administrative alert check boxes. The memory that you save depends on the computer, but about 60 KB to 70 KB is typically required by these features.

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hai skunk,

dat is bekend maar satori krijgt elke keer bij het opstarten de melding of hij de dump naar ms wilt sturen. dat is een foutje en daar wil je dus vanaf. daarvoor is er een oplossing die ik zo niet uit m'n hoofd weet. thuis heb ik geen xp dus ik kan het ook niet even nakijken welke regkey je moet aanpassen.

maar bedankt voor de extra info.




Only those who know the secret can read a stream of bytes

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Voor de volledigheid: Ik krijg NIET de vraag of ik de dump wil opsturen. Dat heb ik lang geleden al uitgezet. De tekst is letterlijk als ik hievoor beschrven heb. De stappen van MS, zoals hierboven beschreven, heb ik nog niet kunnen uitvoeren omdat de opbouw bij bij blijkbaar iets anders is dan hierboven beschreven. Ik zoek nog even verder.


Allemaal alvast bedankt.





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daarom poste ik dit bericht zet je log file uit en volgens mij krijg je die melding dan niet meer

anders gooi het log file weg wat windows heeft gemaakt en wat jij nu iedere keer ziet bij na het opstarten



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hoi satori,


ik heb dit gevonden en denk dat het voldoende is:


You Receive a "System Has Recovered from a Serious Error" Message After Every Restart

The information in this article applies to:

Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition

Microsoft Windows XP Professional



If Windows XP restarts because of a serious error, the Windows Error Reporting tool prompts you to report the problem to Microsoft for troubleshooting purposes. Windows may begin prompting you to report this information every time you restart the computer, even if no error occurred during the previous session. After this problem begins to occur, you are prompted to send the information after every restart, even if you choose not to send the information.


This problem occurs because after a Minidump (or memory dump) file is written, the paging file continues to have a flag set that indicates that a memory dump file needs to be written.


To resolve this problem, download the following file from the Microsoft Download Center:

Download Q317277_wxp_sp1_x86_enu.exe now

Release Date: March 8, 2002


For additional information about how to download Microsoft Support files, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services

Microsoft used the most current virus detection software available on the date of posting to scan this file for viruses. After it is posted, the file is housed on secure servers that prevent any unauthorized changes to the file.


The English version of this fix should have the following file attributes or later:


Date Time Version Size File name Platform


25-Feb-2002 15:33 5.1.2600.31 1,842,688 Ntkrnlmp.exe i386

25-Feb-2002 15:33 5.1.2600.31 1,897,856 Ntkrnlpa.exe i386

25-Feb-2002 15:33 5.1.2600.31 1,870,848 Ntkrpamp.exe i386

25-Feb-2002 15:33 5.1.2600.31 1,875,584 Ntoskrnl.exe i386

25-Feb-2002 15:33 5.1.2600.31 5,721,984 Ntkrnlmp.exe Itanium 64-bit

25-Feb-2002 15:33 5.1.2600.31 5,665,024 Ntoskrnl.exe Itanium 64-bit




You can solve this problem by recreating the pagefile. To recreate the pagefile, follow these steps:

Click Start.

Right-click My Computer.

Click Properties.

On the Advanced tab, in the Performance section, click Settings.

In the Virtual Memory section, click Change.

For Paging file size for selected drive, click No Paging File and then click Set.

Click Yes after the following warning appears:

If the paging file on volume X: has an initial size of less than xx megabytes, then the system may not be able to create a debugging information file if a STOP error occurs. Continue anyway?


( X is the drive letter and xx is the amount of RAM installed on your computer minus 1 megabyte.)

Click System Managed Size.

Click OK four times, and then restart the computer when you are prompted.

For an alternative to this procedeure, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

Q255205 How to Delete the Pagefile.sys File in Recovery Console


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.

First Published: Jan 28 2002 6:25PM

Keywords: kbWinXPpreSP1fix kbbug




Only those who know the secret can read a stream of bytes

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Hardstikke bedankt voor het vinden van deze patch. Ik heb deze patch uitgevoerd en ben van de melding af!!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Deze melding begon me steeds meer te ergeren, duis ik ben erg blij dat dit opgelost is!!!





Bedankt voor je uitgebreide posting. Ik heb gevonden wat er bedoeld wordt in je posting. Ik was het vergeten, maar ik had de logging al uitgezet. Dus dat was helaas niet de oplossing.


Nogmaals iedereen bedankt voor de support <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />





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