Gorefest Geplaatst: 14 maart 2011 Geplaatst: 14 maart 2011 Origineel bericht van: Tonskidutch de uitzending gemist komt er wellicht niet/nooit in daar die een kompleet ander formaat hanteert en zeker geen duitse ontwikkelaar boeit. Dan moet er een Nederlandse ontwikkelaar aan gaan werken. Voor XBMC is het ook gemaakt door een Nederlander. Gigablue Quad Plus 2x DVB-S2 2x DVB-C
jepe Geplaatst: 19 maart 2011 Geplaatst: 19 maart 2011 Origineel bericht van: Gorefest Origineel bericht van: Tonskidutch de uitzending gemist komt er wellicht niet/nooit in daar die een kompleet ander formaat hanteert en zeker geen duitse ontwikkelaar boeit. Dan moet er een Nederlandse ontwikkelaar aan gaan werken. Voor XBMC is het ook gemaakt door een Nederlander. Maar dat werkt toch niet meer, voor XBMC, of is het inmiddels wel aangepast?
Gorefest Geplaatst: 21 maart 2011 Geplaatst: 21 maart 2011 Is er nog steeds hoor -> Uitzending gemist voor XBMC http://www.rieter.net/pages/XOT:Uzg Bij de multi-mediathek plugin krijg ik regelmatig "error failed to load xml data" ofzoiets Gigablue Quad Plus 2x DVB-S2 2x DVB-C
Gast BBsat Geplaatst: 22 maart 2011 Geplaatst: 22 maart 2011 Ja het werkt wel met PLI 2.0 maar niet echt fantastisch Er zijn problemen met het afspelen van sommige bestandsformaten en bij mij was ook vaak een melding als "error failed to load xml data" Daarom is ie er bij mij weer af Ik begrijp dat deze plug in op sommige andere images beter werkt
Tonskidutch Geplaatst: 24 maart 2011 Auteur Geplaatst: 24 maart 2011 Opmerking: volgende GStreamer Plugins (Video Decoder Plugins) moeten apart ge-installeerd worden zo dat jullie alles uit de mediatheek kijken kunnen: gst-plugin-avi gst-plugin-flv gst-plugin-rtsp Plugin History: quote: Version 2.3 [23.03.2011] Improved Error-Handling and Resume-Support for downloading files ... Bugfix: Fixed bad calculation of filesize when downloading rtmp:// streams Version 2.2 [18.03.2011] Changes: Mapped MENU Button to a list of different options like add/delete bookmarks, view settings ect. Changes: Show Error Message with some informations when download failed (cached-playback) Changes: Replaced rtmpdump-tool by an older version with less bugs. Bugfix: Fixed possible Greenscreen in calculating download-progress. Bugfix: Fixed possible Greenscreen in movielist when error in feeds. Version 2.1 [15.03.2011] Started to improve Bookmark System. Replaced FLVStreamer by RTMPDump to support rtmpe:// and rtmpte:// streams. Version 2.0 [13.03.2011] Added support for search functions for several feeds. Version 1.9 [13.03.2011] Changes: Improved Download Function and use TaskManager to download multiple files. Changes: Improved Error-Handling a little bit. Changes: Improved Image Cache a little bit. Changes: Ask if you want to use cached-play when direct-play not working. Changes: Use Moviename as filename when saving movie on HDD. Changes: FLVStreamer Binary is now part of the plugin package. Bugfix: Download Progress was not working with FLV Streams. Bugfix: Old Settings were not restored when leaving Settings-Menu with red or exit. Bugfix: Aborting Cached-Playback also aborted download-tasks running in background Version 1.8 [12.03.2011] Changes: Improved Error-Handling and Error-Messages for cached-playback. Changes: Show Moviename instead Filename in infobar when using cached-playback. Bugfix: Fixed temp-files getting stored in /home/root instead /mediathek/tmp folder sometimes when using cached-playback. Version 1.7 [11.03.2011] Changes: Added VLC-Player Support for cached-playback. Bugfix: Fixed possible greenscreen introduced in last version. Version 1.6 [11.03.2011] Added Support for rtmp:// streams (cached-playback from hdd only) Note: The FLVStreamer Plugin needs to be installed for this! Version 1.5 [10.03.2011] Changes: Experimental VLC-Support for "direct-play" function. If dreambox does not support video-codec, it will ask you if you want to stream it via VLC Server on PC. Changes: Show Plugin Version in Title of Settings-Screen. Changes: Show error-message when trying to save movie on HDD which does not use http or ftp format. Bugfix: Fixed GreenScreen when entering wrong parentel-control PIN 3 times. Version 1.4 [08.03.2011] Changes: When changing cache-folder in settings, delete old folder and directly create new one. Bugfix: Fixed GreenScreen when leaving plugin after changing cache-folder. Version 1.3 [08.03.2011] Changes: Improved Image-Cache functions. Changes: Asking for Setup-PIN when enable Adult-Content and youth-protection activated. Changes: Refresh Page when leaving Settings-Menu. Changes: Settings-Menu only accessable from mainpage. Changes: Started to work on SD Skin Support (not finished yet!) Version 1.2 [06.03.2011] Changes: Check for plugin-updates on startup. Version 1.1 [06.03.2011] Changes: Use E2 TaskManager to save movies on HDD. Changes: Started to implement bookmark function (not finished yet) Changes: Show Eventname instead filename in Infobar when playing movie Changes: Page-Forwarding to let box download html-page and submit it to webserver for parsing (for youtube) Bugfix: Don't stop download-task when leaving movie-info Version 1.0 [03.03.2011] Changes: Back to Movie-Info Screen when playback stopped. Changes: Set a Screetitle (for OLED Display) Bugfix: Fixed GreenScreen on Images older then JUN 2010. Bugfix: Fixed Skin-Transparency Problems. Bugfix: Fixed Page Counter. Version 0.9 [02.03.2011] Changes: Added Adult Content Filter to Settings Menu. Bugfix: Fixed another possible GreenScreen. Version 0.8 [02.03.2011] Bugfix: Fixed possible GreenScreen. Bugfix: Fixed length of cache-folder was limited Version 0.7 [02.03.2011] Changes: Show Error Message when missing Gstreamer addons or video- / audio-codecs not supported Changes: Added Settings Menu (mapped to MENU Button) to change some settings and cache-folder Bugfix: Only delete image cache when leaving plugin, not category/screen. Version 0.6 [01.03.2011] Changes: Some Skin Changes Changes: Clean Image Cache when leaving plugin Changes: Show Error message when no supported videos found instead empty list Changes: When only 1 video/media available, play it directly instead showing list of available videos Bugfix: Really cancel downloading when aborting file-transfer (cached-playback) Version 0.5 [27.02.2011] Bugfix: Fixed GreenScreen when MediaPlayer plugin not installed Version 0.4 [27.02.2011] Changes: Use Alternate-UserAgent to fix direct-playback of Apple Movies Changes: Small Skin-Improvements on Movie-Info Screen Version 0.3 [27.02.2011] Changes: Small Skin-Improvements Bugfix: Fixed GreenScreen when pressing OK when nothing selected Version 0.2 [26.02.2011] Bugfix: Fixed GreenScreen caused by missing background image ciao Ebeneezer Good Shamen
Gorefest Geplaatst: 3 mei 2011 Geplaatst: 3 mei 2011 2.9 is inmiddels beschikbaar: hier Weet iemand trouwens wat de default pin code is? Citaat: Changelog Version 2.9 [19.04.2011] * Hide "Caching Video Window" with blue-button. * Show finished downloads in Download-List and play them directly from there. * If Gstreamer FLV and/or AVI not installed, ask if you want to install it through image-feeds. * Create a .meta file when saving movie. * Fixed too many linebreaks in bookmark file. Version 2.8 [09.04.2011] * Improved function that checks if cache-folder is inside flash-memory. * /tmp and /media/ba folders can now be used as cache-folder. * Download-Location for Movies can now get changed in plugin-settings. * Delete downloaded file when aborting download-task. * Check-For-Update on Startup can not get disabled anymore. * Added Image-Scaler Selection to Settings Menu: Please note: getThumbnai()l is faster but should only be used on enigma2 >08.04.2011 due to a mem-/fd-leak! Version 2.7 [06.04.2011] * Support for Next/Previous Page links included in some feeds. * Fixed Search Function having problems when entering multiple search terms. Version 2.6 [04.04.2011] * Check if Cache-Folder is on a external device and has write-permissions. * Added a Download-Overview to Options-Menu to show current running downloads * Use startDecode() instead getThumbnail() to create thumbnails. This is to avoid a mem/fd leak in enigma2's DecodeExif function. * Use Mozilla as UserAgent when downloading thumbnails. Version 2.5 [31.03.2011] * Fix download external pages on box. Version 2.4 [27.03.2011] * Added VLC Support for cached-playback * Make it possible to change UserAgent via feeds Version 2.3 [23.03.2011] * Improved Error-Handling and Resume-Support for downloading files ... * Bugfix: Fixed bad calculation of filesize when downloading rtmp:// streams Version 2.2 [18.03.2011] * Changes: Mapped MENU Button to a list of different options like add/delete bookmarks, view settings ect. * Changes: Show Error Message with some informations when download failed (cached-playback) * Changes: Replaced rtmpdump-tool by an older version with less bugs. * Bugfix: Fixed possible Greenscreen in calculating download-progress. * Bugfix: Fixed possible Greenscreen in movielist when error in feeds. Version 2.1 [15.03.2011] * Started to improve Bookmark System. * Replaced FLVStreamer by RTMPDump to support rtmpe:// and rtmpte:// streams. Version 2.0 [13.03.2011] * Added support for search functions for several feeds. Version 1.9 [13.03.2011] * Changes: Improved Download Function and use TaskManager to download multiple files. * Changes: Improved Error-Handling a little bit. * Changes: Improved Image Cache a little bit. * Changes: Ask if you want to use cached-play when direct-play not working. * Changes: Use Moviename as filename when saving movie on HDD. * Changes: FLVStreamer Binary is now part of the plugin package. * Bugfix: Download Progress was not working with FLV Streams. * Bugfix: Old Settings were not restored when leaving Settings-Menu with red or exit. * Bugfix: Aborting Cached-Playback also aborted download-tasks running in background Version 1.8 [12.03.2011] * Changes: Improved Error-Handling and Error-Messages for cached-playback. * Changes: Show Moviename instead Filename in infobar when using cached-playback. * Bugfix: Fixed temp-files getting stored in /home/root instead /mediathek/tmp folder sometimes when using cached-playback. Version 1.7 [11.03.2011] * Changes: Added VLC-Player Support for cached-playback. * Bugfix: Fixed possible greenscreen introduced in last version. Version 1.6 [11.03.2011] * Added Support for rtmp:// streams (cached-playback from only) Note: The FLVStreamer Plugin needs to be installed for this! Version 1.5 [10.03.2011] * Changes: Experimental VLC-Support for "direct-play" function. If dreambox does not support video-codec, it will ask you if you want to stream it via VLC Server on PC. * Changes: Show Plugin Version in Title of Settings-Screen. * Changes: Show error-message when trying to save movie on HDD which does not use http or ftp format. * Bugfix: Fixed GreenScreen when entering wrong parentel-control PIN 3 times. Version 1.4 [08.03.2011] * Changes: When changing cache-folder in settings, delete old folder and directly create new one. * Bugfix: Fixed GreenScreen when leaving plugin after changing cache-folder. Version 1.3 [08.03.2011] * Changes: Improved Image-Cache functions. * Changes: Refresh Page when leaving Settings-Menu. * Changes: Settings-Menu only accessable from mainpage. * Changes: Started to work on SD Skin Support (not finished yet!) * Changes: Asking for Setup-PIN when enable Adult-Content and youth-protection activated. Version 1.2 [06.03.2011] * Changes: Check for plugin-updates on startup. Version 1.1 [06.03.2011] * Changes: Use E2 TaskManager to save movies on HDD. * Changes: Started to implement bookmark function (not finished yet) * Changes: Show Eventname instead filename in Infobar when playing movie * Changes: Page-Forwarding to let box download html-page and submit it to webserver for parsing (for youtube) * Bugfix: Don't stop download-task when leaving movie-info Version 1.0 [03.03.2011] * Changes: Back to Movie-Info Screen when playback stopped. * Changes: Set a Screentitle (for OLED Display) * Bugfix: Fixed Skin-Transparency Problems. * Bugfix: Fixed Page Counter. Version 0.9 [02.03.2011] * Changes: Added Adult Content Filter to Settings Menu. * Bugfix: Fixed another possible GreenScreen. Version 0.8 [02.03.2011] * Bugfix: Fixed possible GreenScreen. * Bugfix: Fixed length of cache-folder was limited Version 0.7 [02.03.2011] * Changes: Show Error Message when missing Gstreamer addons or video- / audio-codecs not supported * Changes: Added Settings Menu (mapped to MENU Button) to change some settings and cache-folder * Bugfix: Only delete image cache when leaving plugin, not category/screen. Version 0.6 [01.03.2011] * Changes: Some Skin Changes * Changes: Clean Image Cache when leaving plugin * Changes: Show Error message when no supported videos found instead empty list * Changes: When only 1 video/media available, play it directly instead showing list of available videos * Bugfix: Really cancel downloading when aborting file-transfer(cached-playback) Version 0.5 [27.02.2011] * Bugfix: Fixed GreenScreen when MediaPlayer plugin not installed Version 0.4 [27.02.2011] * Changes: Use Alternate-UserAgent to fix direct-playback of Apple Movies * Changes: Small Skin-Improvements on Movie-Info Screen Version 0.3 [27.02.2011] * Changes: Small Skin-Improvements * Bugfix: Fixed GreenScreen when pressing OK when nothing selected Version 0.2 [26.02.2011] * Bugfix: Fixed GreenScreen caused by missing background image Gigablue Quad Plus 2x DVB-S2 2x DVB-C
hasoo Geplaatst: 3 mei 2011 Geplaatst: 3 mei 2011 wat je zelf gebruikt voor kidslock? Origineel bericht van: Gorefest 2.9 is inmiddels beschikbaar: hier Weet iemand trouwens wat de default pin code is? Citaat: Changelog Version 2.9 [19.04.2011] * Hide "Caching Video Window" with blue-button. * Show finished downloads in Download-List and play them directly from there. * If Gstreamer FLV and/or AVI not installed, ask if you want to install it through image-feeds. * Create a .meta file when saving movie. * Fixed too many linebreaks in bookmark file. Version 2.8 [09.04.2011] * Improved function that checks if cache-folder is inside flash-memory. * /tmp and /media/ba folders can now be used as cache-folder. * Download-Location for Movies can now get changed in plugin-settings. * Delete downloaded file when aborting download-task. * Check-For-Update on Startup can not get disabled anymore. * Added Image-Scaler Selection to Settings Menu: Please note: getThumbnai()l is faster but should only be used on enigma2 >08.04.2011 due to a mem-/fd-leak! Version 2.7 [06.04.2011] * Support for Next/Previous Page links included in some feeds. * Fixed Search Function having problems when entering multiple search terms. Version 2.6 [04.04.2011] * Check if Cache-Folder is on a external device and has write-permissions. * Added a Download-Overview to Options-Menu to show current running downloads * Use startDecode() instead getThumbnail() to create thumbnails. This is to avoid a mem/fd leak in enigma2's DecodeExif function. * Use Mozilla as UserAgent when downloading thumbnails. Version 2.5 [31.03.2011] * Fix download external pages on box. Version 2.4 [27.03.2011] * Added VLC Support for cached-playback * Make it possible to change UserAgent via feeds Version 2.3 [23.03.2011] * Improved Error-Handling and Resume-Support for downloading files ... * Bugfix: Fixed bad calculation of filesize when downloading rtmp:// streams Version 2.2 [18.03.2011] * Changes: Mapped MENU Button to a list of different options like add/delete bookmarks, view settings ect. * Changes: Show Error Message with some informations when download failed (cached-playback) * Changes: Replaced rtmpdump-tool by an older version with less bugs. * Bugfix: Fixed possible Greenscreen in calculating download-progress. * Bugfix: Fixed possible Greenscreen in movielist when error in feeds. Version 2.1 [15.03.2011] * Started to improve Bookmark System. * Replaced FLVStreamer by RTMPDump to support rtmpe:// and rtmpte:// streams. Version 2.0 [13.03.2011] * Added support for search functions for several feeds. Version 1.9 [13.03.2011] * Changes: Improved Download Function and use TaskManager to download multiple files. * Changes: Improved Error-Handling a little bit. * Changes: Improved Image Cache a little bit. * Changes: Ask if you want to use cached-play when direct-play not working. * Changes: Use Moviename as filename when saving movie on HDD. * Changes: FLVStreamer Binary is now part of the plugin package. * Bugfix: Download Progress was not working with FLV Streams. * Bugfix: Old Settings were not restored when leaving Settings-Menu with red or exit. * Bugfix: Aborting Cached-Playback also aborted download-tasks running in background Version 1.8 [12.03.2011] * Changes: Improved Error-Handling and Error-Messages for cached-playback. * Changes: Show Moviename instead Filename in infobar when using cached-playback. * Bugfix: Fixed temp-files getting stored in /home/root instead /mediathek/tmp folder sometimes when using cached-playback. Version 1.7 [11.03.2011] * Changes: Added VLC-Player Support for cached-playback. * Bugfix: Fixed possible greenscreen introduced in last version. Version 1.6 [11.03.2011] * Added Support for rtmp:// streams (cached-playback from only) Note: The FLVStreamer Plugin needs to be installed for this! Version 1.5 [10.03.2011] * Changes: Experimental VLC-Support for "direct-play" function. If dreambox does not support video-codec, it will ask you if you want to stream it via VLC Server on PC. * Changes: Show Plugin Version in Title of Settings-Screen. * Changes: Show error-message when trying to save movie on HDD which does not use http or ftp format. * Bugfix: Fixed GreenScreen when entering wrong parentel-control PIN 3 times. Version 1.4 [08.03.2011] * Changes: When changing cache-folder in settings, delete old folder and directly create new one. * Bugfix: Fixed GreenScreen when leaving plugin after changing cache-folder. Version 1.3 [08.03.2011] * Changes: Improved Image-Cache functions. * Changes: Refresh Page when leaving Settings-Menu. * Changes: Settings-Menu only accessable from mainpage. * Changes: Started to work on SD Skin Support (not finished yet!) * Changes: Asking for Setup-PIN when enable Adult-Content and youth-protection activated. Version 1.2 [06.03.2011] * Changes: Check for plugin-updates on startup. Version 1.1 [06.03.2011] * Changes: Use E2 TaskManager to save movies on HDD. * Changes: Started to implement bookmark function (not finished yet) * Changes: Show Eventname instead filename in Infobar when playing movie * Changes: Page-Forwarding to let box download html-page and submit it to webserver for parsing (for youtube) * Bugfix: Don't stop download-task when leaving movie-info Version 1.0 [03.03.2011] * Changes: Back to Movie-Info Screen when playback stopped. * Changes: Set a Screentitle (for OLED Display) * Bugfix: Fixed Skin-Transparency Problems. * Bugfix: Fixed Page Counter. Version 0.9 [02.03.2011] * Changes: Added Adult Content Filter to Settings Menu. * Bugfix: Fixed another possible GreenScreen. Version 0.8 [02.03.2011] * Bugfix: Fixed possible GreenScreen. * Bugfix: Fixed length of cache-folder was limited Version 0.7 [02.03.2011] * Changes: Show Error Message when missing Gstreamer addons or video- / audio-codecs not supported * Changes: Added Settings Menu (mapped to MENU Button) to change some settings and cache-folder * Bugfix: Only delete image cache when leaving plugin, not category/screen. Version 0.6 [01.03.2011] * Changes: Some Skin Changes * Changes: Clean Image Cache when leaving plugin * Changes: Show Error message when no supported videos found instead empty list * Changes: When only 1 video/media available, play it directly instead showing list of available videos * Bugfix: Really cancel downloading when aborting file-transfer(cached-playback) Version 0.5 [27.02.2011] * Bugfix: Fixed GreenScreen when MediaPlayer plugin not installed Version 0.4 [27.02.2011] * Changes: Use Alternate-UserAgent to fix direct-playback of Apple Movies * Changes: Small Skin-Improvements on Movie-Info Screen Version 0.3 [27.02.2011] * Changes: Small Skin-Improvements * Bugfix: Fixed GreenScreen when pressing OK when nothing selected Version 0.2 [26.02.2011] * Bugfix: Fixed GreenScreen caused by missing background image
Gorefest Geplaatst: 10 mei 2011 Geplaatst: 10 mei 2011 Hij doet het niet meer na de laatste update. Krijg een genuine dreambox check. Hij is dus ongeschikt gemaakt voor de Vu+ boxen Gigablue Quad Plus 2x DVB-S2 2x DVB-C
Tonskidutch Geplaatst: 13 mei 2011 Auteur Geplaatst: 13 mei 2011 Gorefest, de ontwikkelaar van de plugin conformeert zich aan de dmm policy jammer maar zo is het met een stukkie software dat iemand maakt kan/mag die maker zelf de keuze maken of hij ook de naam enigma2 beschermd wilt weten. maar troost je op linux (opensuse bijvoorbeeld) kun je ook de pC versie van mediathek installeren dan de filmpjes downloaden en dus dan weer afspelen op VU+ (en andere niet enigma2) receivers ciao Ebeneezer Good Shamen
Gast Duolist Geplaatst: 13 mei 2011 Geplaatst: 13 mei 2011 Geen nood: dat is de manier waarop DM (en alle DM-aanhangers) zich uit de markt aan het prijzen zijn. De noodgreep die DM momenteel aan het uitvoeren is, geeft alleen maar: 1- aan dat zij als de dood zijn voor de enorme concurrentie; 2- gelegenheid aan alle niet-DM-aanhangers om zelf ontwikkelingen te plegen, die uiteindelijk de concurrentieslag voor DM alleen maar moeilijker zullen maken.
Gorefest Geplaatst: 20 mei 2011 Geplaatst: 20 mei 2011 Na nog een nieuwe update doet hij het weer ?!? Gigablue Quad Plus 2x DVB-S2 2x DVB-C
Tonskidutch Geplaatst: 20 mei 2011 Auteur Geplaatst: 20 mei 2011 neen... Homey[Ger] heeft na veel bedelen en discussie aan enkelen (350 stuk) via email verzoek een key bestandje geleverd die moet ingevoerd worden wil men de server van Homey[GER] kunnen aanspreken om de mediathek te kunnen gebruiken dus je gaat via die plugin niet direkt naar de oorspronkelijke mediathek aanbieders, je gaat naar Homey[GER] zijn server om beeld te verkrijgen middels plugin als je niet een van die 350 Venigma2 gebruikers bent kun je dan net zo goed / beter de linux-pC versie nemen van Mediathek en zelf de bestanden downloaden en afspelen met de vu+ plugin werkt niet meer zonder officiele dreambox en de genuine dreambox control ciao versie 3.1 als laatste Ebeneezer Good Shamen
Tonskidutch Geplaatst: 20 mei 2011 Auteur Geplaatst: 20 mei 2011 oeps 3.2 versie is laatste Ebeneezer Good Shamen
Gorefest Geplaatst: 23 mei 2011 Geplaatst: 23 mei 2011 Toch werkt hij weer perfect op de VU+ bij mij. Om het nou via een linux PC te doen vind ik veel te omslachtig. Ik zoek juist een alles in een oplossing en heb dan geen zin weer dingen te downloaden ofzo. We zien wel hoe lang het blijft werken bij mij Gigablue Quad Plus 2x DVB-S2 2x DVB-C
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