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[VU+ DUO] Could not read reader->convention

Aanbevolen berichten

Gast Tha Great Mac
Origineel bericht van: maanvol
"ERROR: Could not read reader->convention"?

Dit is echt te weinig informatie. Kun je vermelden wat voor ontvanger je hebt (merk/type) en eventueel op welke zender deze melding wordt gegeven?


en de gegeven informatie bepaald mede de uitkomst of snelheid van de vondst inzake de oplossing

dit vraagstuk is dus inefficiënt terwijl ik wel een notie heb waar de vraagsteller heen wil maar niet zo maar een vermoeden kan plaatsen


maar dat helpt ons sat4all lezers en actieve schrijvers nog steeds niet verder


we kijken niet als al aanwezende godheid mee wat iemand doet en wat iemand bezighoud of boeit

ofschoon internet die indruk bij iemand kan achterlaten


dus verklaar je aub nader



Ebeneezer Good





Origineel bericht van: maanvol
"ERROR: Could not read reader->convention"?




ERROR Kon geen lees lezer->bijeenroeping/vergadering"?


In welk verband stel je deze vraag??????


mvg wiljo


Dit vraagt om kennis, en kunde van ware experts:



OpenEmbedded Linux bm750




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* VTI Image *

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welcome on your Vu+ Duo! - Kernel 2.6.18-7.3 (#1 SMP Mon Mar 21 19:37:21 CET 2011).

bm750 login: root

root@bm750:~# /usr/script/ stop

[sCRIPT] stop: Oscam 1.00 - CCcam 2.2.1

sh: cannot kill pid 542: No such process

root@bm750:~# cd /usr/bin/oscam_1.00-4443.4 -d63 -c /etc/tuxbox/config

-sh: cd: can't cd to /usr/bin/oscam_1.00-4443.4

root@bm750:~# /usr/bin/oscam_1.00-4443.4 -d63 -c /etc/tuxbox/config

Warning: keyword 'level' in global section not recognized

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s >> OSCam << cardserver started version 1.00-unstable_svn, build #4443 (mips-tuxbox-linux)

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s version=1.00-unstable_svn, build #4443, system=mips-tuxbox-linux, nice=-1

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s client max. idle=120 sec, debug level=63

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s max. logsize=unlimited

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s client timeout=5000 ms, fallback timeout=2500 ms, cache delay=120 ms

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s auth size=4976

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s Cannot open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/" (errno=2)

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s reader 'rtl' provid filter(s):

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s CAID #0: 1830

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s provid #0: 003411

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s provid #1: 008011

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s can't open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.srvid" (err=2), no service-id's loaded

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s can't open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.tiers" (err=2), no tier-id's loaded

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s can't open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.provid" (err=2), no provids's loaded

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s can't open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.ird" (errno=2) irdeto guessing not loaded

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s monitor: disabled

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s camd33: disabled

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s camd35: disabled

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s cs378x: disabled

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s newcamd: initialized (fd=5, port=34000, crypted)

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s CAID: 1830

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s provid #0: 003411

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s cccam: disabled

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s radegast: disabled

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s http disabled

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s creating thread for device /dev/sci0

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat

2011/04/11 13:51:44 43BBD43A s waiting for local card init

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r reader thread started (thread=5C6D77CA, label=rtl, device=/dev/sci0, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IFD: Opening device /dev/sci0


2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IFD: Device /dev/sci0 succesfully opened


2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r rtl card detected

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IFD: Activating card in reader rtl


2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IFD: Activating card

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r ATR: 00 00

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r ERROR: Could not read reader->convention

2011/04/11 13:51:44 5C6D77CA r Error activating card.

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IFD: Activating card in reader rtl


2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IFD: Activating card

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 27

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 55

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 08

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 6B

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 4C

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 2B

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA F8

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 9A

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 0A

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 80

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 01

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 18

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA EE

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 04

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 80

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 7C

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 67

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 4C

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 2B

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA E8

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 68

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r TA1 = 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r FI = 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r ATR: 27 55 00 08 6B 4C 2B F8 9A

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r ERROR: Could not read reader->convention

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r Error activating card.

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IFD: Activating card in reader rtl


2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IFD: Activating card

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 4C

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 2B

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 08

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA DA

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA C3

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 2A

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 60

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA DA

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA C3

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 2A

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 32

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 02

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 90

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA D9

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA C3

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 2A

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA B8

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 63

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r IO: Receiving:

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA 4C

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r ATR: 4C C5 08 DA 6A 2A 60 DA C3 C2 32 00 00 00

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r ERROR: Could not read reader->convention

2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r Error activating card.

2011/04/11 13:51:46 5C6D77CA r card initializing error

2011/04/11 13:51:48 43BBD21A s init for all local cards done

2011/04/11 13:51:48 43BBD21A s anti cascading disabled




Mijn gevoel doet vermoeden dat de rsa/bk zich hier ook bevinden, alleen ik heb er te weinig kaas van mogen eten, om het alleen te kunnen doorgronden...

Origineel bericht van: maanvol
. . .
2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r ERROR: Could not read reader->convention
2011/04/11 13:51:45 5C6D77CA r Error activating card. . . .

Volgens mij moet je je kaart gewoon opnieuw activeren.


Groet, Con. Gloeiende, gloeiende, een beetje humor moet kunnen, anders ga je maar ergens anders heen..
Sinds november 2024 gelukkig weer glasvezel via KPN.

Internet/PC: modem/router Fritzbox en TP-Link accesspoint, switch (8), switch (4)

PC: Intel Nuc i7 met W11. Laptop Thinkpad met W11 met 24H2.

Asus Gigabyte Home Assistant, 20 Shelly's en 2 ESP-tjes en Zigbee.

Origineel bericht van: paardengek
Misschien handig om de oscam config files erbij te posten. Waarschijnlijk ligt daar de fout.

Met vriendelijke groet, paardengek

nice = -15
WaitForCards = 1
preferlocalcards = 1

# logging

#pidfile = /tmp/
#logfile = /tmp/oscam.log
LogFile = stdout
#LogFile = /dev/null
#usrfile = /tmp/oscamuser.log
#cwlogdir = /tmp/oscam/cw

# monitor

port = 988
aulow = 120
monlevel = 4
httpport = 999
nocrypt =

# protocols

key = 0102030405060708091011121314
port = 11000@1830:003411,008011


Mijn Avira 4.0 met de nieuwste database geeft aan bij het downloaden van jouw link:


malware gevonden:


Malware-naam: Win32:Rootkit-gen [Rtk]

Malware-type: Rootkit

VPS versie: 110414-0, 14-04-2011


Met vriendelijke groet, paardengek


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