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PGI 1.0 geen update CD kaartje?


Aanbevolen berichten

Net de nieuwe PGI 1.0 + addon in mijn 9000HD gezet, maar geen beeld op CD. De box is een tijdlang niet gebruikt dus het kaartje heeft een update nodig.


Ik gebruik newcs + mgcam en heb kaartje ondersteboven in slot1.


Ook na enige aanpassingen binnen Mgcam zoals aangeraden bij denktenk => geen effect.


Dit is mijn mgcam config


# AU

# 00 disable, no emm pids processed

# 01 enable, emm pids always processed for soft-au and shared cards

# 02 auto, emm started only if channel cant be decoded

# 03 process emm pids for network cards update only

A: { 01 }


# box type

# 00 autodetect, change only if you think wrong type detected.

# 01 dbox2

# 02 dreambox

# 03 triple-dragon

# 04 relook

# 05 openbox

# 06 dreambox/mips

# 08 stapi/kathrein

# 09 stapi/ipbox

# 11 stapi/openbox

B: { 12 }


# ECM messages

# 00 don't show anything about ecm

# 01 normal mode, show pids processed, decoded ecm and cw

# 02 verbose mode, show valid and bad ECMs with data

C: { 01 }


# debug, summ of

# 00 off (default)

# 01 debug ecm

# 02 debug emm

# 04 debug network ecm

# 08 debug network emm

# 16 debug network login

# 32 show mem/cpu stats every 1 min

# 64 add timestamp to log messages

D: { 00 }


# keep ecm cache, seconds

# every cache entry takes 28 bytes, so 24h cache will take *only* 240-400kb of memory,

# for openbox/elanvision users with remote shares make sense to set it higher than default value,

# to not hammer cards while timeshifting or playing crypted recordings.

E: { 15 }


# map all 180x nagra caids to 1801

# default is 01

F: { 00 }


# network mode, use summ for several clients

# 00 no network (default)

# 01 newcamd netclient

# 02 radegast netclient

# 04 camd3 netclient

# 08 gbox netclient

# 32 cccamd netclient, card list saved as /tmp/

# (ECM only, supported server version up to 2.1.1, later not work)

G: { 01 }


# cache option, summ of:

# 00 Off (default)

# 01 Ecm pids cache, store pids used to decode in /tmp/ca_cache.list at exit, load at startup, same syntax as restore.list

# 02 Ecm data cache, remember CW for (E:) time

# 04 Emm cache for network cards, do not resend the same emm twice, cache not cleared until restart

H: { 06 }


# network ecm timeout in seconds

K: { 03 }


# Log option, summ of:

# 00 off

# 01 network udp log

# 02 log to console

# 04 file, appended ! delete it by yourself, before it eat all your hdd

# + IP udp-port log-file-name

L: { 00 } 514 /tmp/mgcamd.log


# EMM messages

# 00 don't show any EMMs (default)

# 01 show only valid EMMs

# 02 show valid and bad EMMs with complete data display

M: { 00 }


# network retry, use summ for several options

# 00 disable

# 01 retry every new ecm

# 02 try to connect to offline shares every Q: seconds

# 04 try to detect and fast reconnect to lost (and not used atm) server

# + XX messages number and YY seconds to reconnect

# mg will reconnect to server, if no answer to last XX ecm/keepalive or

# if no answer for last ecm or keepalive sent for YY seconds

# set to 0 to disable

N: { 07 } 5 30


# on screen display type

# 00 No OSD (default)

# 01 neutrino

# 02 enigma

# 03 relook

# + user password for http auth

O: { 00 } username password


# network shares priority

# 00 gbox, newcamd, cccamd, radegast, camd3 (default)

# 01 camd3, radegast, cccamd, gbox, newcamd

# 02 cccamd, newcamd, camd3, gbox, radegast

P: { 02 }


# newcamd dead routes connect retry, sec

Q: { 30 }


# reread files, summ of:

# 00 No (default)

# 01 reread config file on channel change (including priority and ignore, but not replace/cache)

# 02 reread SoftCam.Key on channel change

# 04 reread SoftCam.Key if file changed

R: { 00 }


# on screen display Options, summ of:

# 01 show emu ecm

# 02 show network shares messages

# 04 show decoding failed / fta

# 08 show emm keys update

# + web port to use for osd

S: { 00 } 80


# config files folder (softcam, autoroll, ignore/priority)

# 00 files in /var/keys

# 01 files in /tmp

T: { 00 }


# key update (sum 01 or 02 with 04)

# 01 update only new keys, default setting

# 02 update all keys (used for valid PMK checking)

# 04 enable TPS au

# + tps SID, which pmt pid contains au pid

U: { 06 }


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