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[Overig] nieuwe firmware Openbox HD S9


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Beste software blijft mijns inziens deze van 15 maart, stabiekst ook.....bij de laatste versie werkt de epg niet meer en veel vastloppers of terug gaan maar zal dan waarschijnlijk de ftp-funcionaliteit kwijt zijn? Iemand ervaring mee?

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nieuwe firmware waarbij het epg probleem is opgelost en waarop je kan zien of je een originele openbox hebt of clone


originele box:

all consumers :


if you have an Ali3602 HD Receiver like S9,S10...there has a method to identify if it is original (quality goods) or clone.


Before identify , please backup your old software on the box by usb. Download CONM_CHDS2_CMT_110509090D.rar upgrade it by usb.

enter menu---tool---information---press "8888" key, now you will see CHIP ID , If the box CHIP ID is in the chip_id_list, congratulatation, your HD Receiver is original version! You can upgrade any new firmware to experience more new functions. Otherwise, You Box is clone version , please recover the software with the old version! This software will kill the clone box when power on over 10 times. If less than 10 times, no kill for clone verion.

the chip_id_list is the following, it will update everyday:









When you buy a new box , try to view the chip_id_list on this http page. If you can not find the valid "CHIP ID" on the chip_id_list, it means your box is a clone box.


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