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[Feedhunt programma.] Feedhuntprogramma.


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Als ze slim zijn nemen ze RAS

Meekijken die paar mensen zijn op 2 handen te tellen haha


Gokje voor de BISSCode datum sng nr uitzendnr 21082011 294 0



Tegenwoordig met de huidige Video kaarten is Biss zo gedaan.

Maar dat zullen ze bij de NOB wel weten.

Werkt Arnold daar nog hihi


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Geen idee wie daar allemaal werkt.


Ik kan me niet voorstellen dat ze met een rollende code gaan werken.

Dat vergeet men, te veel werk bij snel nieuws, een hoop gedoe.


Ras heeft niet iedereen.

Ik heb in 1 van mijn encoders ook geen Ras.

Dat wordt niet (zo vaak) gebruikt.


Ik heb het de afgelopen 5 jaar nog maar 2 keer gebruikt.


We zullen zien, misschien zien ze er ook vanaf...

Is ook belachelijk.

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Wat maken ze een probleem bij de NOS . confused

Er zijn maar een paar feedhunters aktief in Nederland.

En dan om die paar feeds die we vinden,

om daar zo veel extra kosten voor te maken.

Ik snap dat niet helemaal. confused

Maar goed NOS...

de echte hobby-mannen/vrouwen slapen niet :D


I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15,  or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor

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  • 1 maand later...

Christian heeft de nieuwste beta klaar:




> 4.0 beta 0 [11 Oct, 2011]

Added: Optional feature for check differences between last blind-scan report and the actual.

Added: Show information about reports on in ‘Satellite report’ is now optional.

Added: Now on ‘Satellite report’ shows a ‘New’ and ‘lost’ transponders compared with the last scan (on the combobox).

Added: When select one item on ‘Satellite report’ now appear the report of the selected item on the status bar.

Added: Estimated Time for Accomplishment* (ETA) for BlindSCan.

Improved: Player integration now supports SatID Variable (ex: 0192).

Improved: Copy Pattern now allows you to copy Sat Name, SatID and device selected.

Improved: Copy Pattern now shows in real time the results of you pattern defined.

Improved: Optional Player now allows you to send command line variables (Same as main player integration)

Improved: Loading of satellite report list is ~40% more faster

Improved: Date format on reports have been update to ISO8601 format (year-month-day_hour.min.sec).

Improved: Now checks if the SATID was established correctly.

Improved: Graphics and GUI improvements.

Moved: Optional tab, Device config window, player integration window, and Copy pattern window is moved to new ‘Options’ window.

Remove: ‘Show only reports of this satellite’ is removed.

Fixed: Steps show in General Report is wrong sometimes.

Some fixes and general improvements.


*This calculation is based on some values, like steps, scan-ranges and some other variables. The speed time is calculated base on

my Prof7301. With others cards is possible that calculation is wrong. The umbral seems is +/- ~6000ms.

VU+ Duo 4K SE BT met openpli 8.2

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4.0 beta 1 is uit:




> 4.0 beta 1[18 Oct, 2011]

Added: Support for changing the accuracy of comparison with the last blind search (in kHz) and

Added: Options to change the bottom of the list of reports, the color of the font, etcetera.

Added: In reports, now add a new option to combobox for ‘New channel(s)’.

Improved: Reports icons for broadcast type has been update.

Improved: When click on Refresh list on Satellite Reports, also update transponders from

Update: Streamreader to latest version.

Fixed: Too long timeout for http request.

Fixed: Some bugs are fixed.


> 1.5 beta changes:

Now supports kHz format in DB

Added option to show frecuencies in Mhz or kHz (Default in Mhz).

Added option to save ini in kHz or Mhz (Default in Mhz).

Now shows SatID and *.ini downloads from the selected satellite.

Now shows Pilot status in the tooltip over frecuency.

Improved Ini file (added support for pilot, rolloff, and report text).

Now shows in the page title the name of the selected satellite.

Some cookies handling mistakes are fixed.

Some graphical improvements.

Improved SEO.

IE Fixes.

VU+ Duo 4K SE BT met openpli 8.2

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et viola :




> stable [27 Oct, 2011]

Added: Button to add new global satellite profile (for more easy use .. the old method confuses a lot of users).

Added: Support for Enable/Disable scan-ranges without loss the range setting.

Improved: Auto-Save now saves profiles changes on the fly when change to another profile, start blindscan, or software ends.

Fixed: DPI issue on Options form.

Update: Streamreader to latest version.

Some bugs are fixed.

VU+ Duo 4K SE BT met openpli 8.2

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