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(ufs910/e2) HAARP v2 Image voor 910


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Enigma2 OpenSource SH4 Duckbox Project GIT-2682 PKT mod SVN-1126 HAARP v2 Image



Image is designed for installation only in USB device



Added by sh4 Duckbox Team:


- fix optimize for size in stm24 and add it to ufs910 config

- [stm24] OSS SND kernel configs not needed any more (e.g. CONFIG_SND_PCM_OSS)

- [stm24] added lzma patch for squashfs

- [stm24] ext4 can now be used for ext2/3

- [make/ffmpeg] - updated ffmpeg 0.6.1

- [multicom-3.2.4_rc3] add new multicom driver

- [eplayer3] playback aac-he streams with aac-lc

- adding opkg binary to default build

- fix timing problem in filepush

- [Player2 179/191] possible fix for chopped DTS sound on some files

- [e2 nightly-0]introduce 3D Mode for OSD ( paint OSD twice in Side by Side or Top and Bottom )

- [libeplayer3] support for OSD 3D modes for subtitles

- [libeplayer2, libeplayer3] Close directory file handles after looking for subtitle files

- [stm24] added squashfs-tools 4.0 lzma patch

- [ufs910 kernel] - activate jbd2

- [ufs910, stm24 205/207] fix cracking noise on cinch/scart

- add busybox 1.18.5 stable

- extend streamproxy to support linuxdvbapi5

- [player2_191/player2_179]resturucture dts fix. The fix now only applys to DTS streams and the playback time is only corrected on time differences up to 50ms this MAY fix some issues with async sound

- [player191] bugfix for 710x receiver (HD channel problems)

- [player2_191] fsynth bugfix

- fix ufs910 audio on scart

- Adding BroFs DSM-CC Monitoring Tool



Added by PKT:


- first build on stm24 kernel

- add new WebInterface v 1.6.7

- new function "live ecm" in infobar

- update e2 to 2011-07-06-experimental

- show Channel Number on Front Pannel + ON/OFF in setup menu

- upgrade CrossEPG svn 268

- fix qwerty VirtualKeyboard

- fix Backup/Autorestore function | LABEL=RECOVERY required

- fix channel number showing on VFD if long channel name

- set home directory to /root

- EPG description on channel list -> ON

- change reading of

- new converters and skins modifications

- fix dimmer action when channel switch

- fix parsing PROV, CAID, PID

- Enable autofs support

- moving EPG support to KeyMapper

- ReferencePKT optimization

- set PKTGoldHD as default skin

- fix CIFS mount if passwd is empty

- MPlayer fix GS of EOF

- upgrade formating device in Install Manager

- update API of MyTube based on last CVS source

- update EmuManager v1.0.6: add sh4Cam support & gbox fix

- DTS Downmix Disable fix

- font FIX moved to Skin setup

- remove unnused files or BP menu settings modification

- fix showing processes

- res_emu in standby add in BP->Settings

- tune and fix sys_info

- add showing /Loaded modules/ in BP ->Menu ->System

- update WIFI scripts:

* add detecting of supported USB WLAN adapters

* user is informed about unsupported device

* optimize selecting WLAN driver

- fix show event-progress in channel selection

- fix crossEPG

- PKT InstallManager 1.2.2

- PKT KeyMapper 1.5

- update Permanent Clock

- fix red led sometimes appear on standby mode


Known issue:

- sata is temporarily not support

- CI not work



- Image based on stm24 kernel so we can not guarantee compatible with miniuboot from AAF Team. Our beta testers say that miniuboot works properly, but some people claimed to have problems with running image.

- For users using softusb2 we recommend download the package Instalator_E2_4_Kathrein_Octagon_v-0,7-stm24fix which contains hotfix on stm24 for softusb2, otherwise the image can not work or start properly



FTP login: user: root, passwd: pkteam

Dreambox 800HDse, Vue Zero,  4-lnbs, Onkyo TX-NR818, Synology 211, Kodi, Pi-hole, Philips 55OLED807.

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  • 2 maanden later...

Er is een derde versie uit. Weet iemand of dat eentje is met sata support?

aangepast door dvbs

Groeten van dvbs,        


             UFS9101W met TitanNit + DM7020HDv1 met OpenATV 6.3 + DM920 UHD met Merlin OE2.5 + Gemini 4

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PKT UFS910 E2 HAARP v3 Image


icon_post_target.gifprzez djcrash środa, 2 listopada 2011, 21:00

Enigma2 OpenSource SH4 Duckbox Project GIT-3052 PKT SVN-1248 HAARP v3 Image



Image is designed for installation in USB or SATA device

Support receiver: Kathrein UFS910

Kernel stm24-207



Added by sh4 Duckbox Team:


- fix optimize for size in stm24 and add it to ufs910 config

- [make/ffmpeg] - updated ffmpeg 0.6.1

- [eplayer3] playback aac-he streams with aac-lc

- fix timing problem in filepush

- [Player2 179/191] possible fix for chopped DTS sound on some files

- [e2 nightly-0]introduce 3D Mode for OSD ( paint OSD twice in Side by Side or Top and Bottom )

- [libeplayer3] support for OSD 3D modes for subtitles

- [libeplayer2, libeplayer3] Close directory file handles after looking for subtitle files

- [ufs910, stm24 205/207] fix cracking noise on cinch/scart

- new BusyBox 1.19.2 (stable) config and patches

- extend streamproxy to support linuxdvbapi5

- [player2_191/player2_179]resturucture dts fix. The fix now only applys to DTS streams and the playback time is only corrected on time differences up to 50ms this MAY fix some issues with async sound

- [uSF912/UFS922] garbage displaying Polish UTF-8 letters on VFD fixed

- [player191] adoptions from p179; bugfix for 710x receiver (HD channel problems)

- [player2_191] fsynth bugfix

- fix ufs910 audio on scart

- use utf8 as python default

- adapt wrong page_offset and improve mem


Added by PKT:


- add new WebInterface v 1.6.7

- new function "live ecm" in infobar

- show Channel Number on Front Pannel + ON/OFF in setup menu

- upgrade CrossEPG svn 268

- fix qwerty VirtualKeyboard

- fix Backup/Autorestore function | LABEL=RECOVERY required

- fix channel number showing on VFD if long channel name

- set home directory to /root

- EPG description on channel list -> ON

- change reading of

- new converters and skins modifications

- fix dimmer action when channel switch

- fix parsing PROV, CAID, PID

- moving EPG support to KeyMapper

- ReferencePKT optimization

- set PKTGoldHD as default skin

- fix CIFS mount if passwd is empty

- MPlayer fix GS of EOF

- upgrade formating device in Install Manager

- update API of MyTube based on last CVS source

- update EmuManager v1.0.6: add sh4Cam support & gbox fix

- font FIX moved to Skin setup

- remove unnused files or BP menu settings modification

- fix showing processes

- res_emu in standby add in BP->Settings

- tune and fix sys_info

- add showing /Loaded modules/ in BP ->Menu ->System

- update WIFI scripts:

* add detecting of supported USB WLAN adapters

* user is informed about unsupported device

* optimize selecting WLAN driver

* optimize starting WLAN driver

- fix show event-progress in channel selection

- fix crossEPG

- PKT InstallManager 1.2.2

- PKT KeyMapper 1.5

- update Permanent Clock

- fix EMUManager russian translate

- add green button support in Media Player

- fix streamproxy after reboot

- Add Auto 3D Skin Switch by Dr.Best

- add support for fake cccam


+ change only in HAARP V3 version

- picons update

- added BPanel activation in MoviePlayer ( key blue )

- added compatibility to standard non PKTeams skins

- fix dot on VFD if channel number is not available

- fix for radio mode wallpaper

- fix showing picons on channels list, when are located in /hdd/picon folder

- added /media/usb/picon to picons search folders

- 2nd generation of speed up channels zap

- add standby smooth extingushing TV

- channel list update 28-10-11

- display quality improvement

- new BluePanel 2D v3.1.19 with graphic interface: (rewrite from 0)

-- added function to check update is needed

-- added color & numeric keys actions support to immidiate plugin/function/menu activation

-- 1st row - keys: 1, 2, 3, 4

-- 2nd row - keys: 5, 6, 7, 8

-- 3rd row - keys: red, green, yellow, blue

-- added menu key action support

-- added changelog information menu

-- added synchronization of local time and date from NTP server

-- added on/Off the smooth extinguish TV while switching to standby mode

-- add Enable/Disable cardreader for 1008+ in Blue Panel (default: OFF)

- fix missing reference.dat

- [uFS910] add CAM Support in BluePanel (default: OFF)

- fix international fonts switch in Skin Setup

- add SATA Support for UFS910 (THX lamerek)

Dreambox 800HDse, Vue Zero,  4-lnbs, Onkyo TX-NR818, Synology 211, Kodi, Pi-hole, Philips 55OLED807.

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Na enige tijd niks met mijn Kathrein UFS 910 te hebben gedaan heb ik gister met MPI de PKT image Haarp op op een USB stick gezet en dat is gelukt.

Ik heb 4 lnbs met een switch , dit werkt met de originele firmware feilloos, Ik heb verschillende settings gedownload (enigma) helaas werkt de dan diseqc niet, wat voor instellingen ik ook probeer,hij schakelt niet naar een andere LNB, het rare is dat als ik een automatic scan uitvoer hij op alle vier lnb,s zenders worden gevonden, dus de switch werkt wel degelijk, wat doe ik verkeerd ? ben sinds gister 8 uur bezig geweest te zoeken op internet, enige wat ik tegenkom is dat het aan de gedownloade kanaallijsten ligt.


Iemand enig idee ?


Ben juliie daarvoor zeer erkentelijk.



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ik heb de v3 er nog niet inzitten, (wel de v2) en ik gebruik al tijden de henksat settings (13,19,23,28) die ik er in zet met dreambox edit .


mappings services en bouquet files: /etc/enigma2/

user boquet files: /etc/enigma2/

sattelites xml: /etc/tuxbox/


bij mij lukt het dan altijd!

Dreambox 800HDse, Vue Zero,  4-lnbs, Onkyo TX-NR818, Synology 211, Kodi, Pi-hole, Philips 55OLED807.

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Ik heb al een tijdje, de Kathrein niet meer gebruikt en heb deze even terug in gebruik genomen. Is het al iemand opgevallen dat met deze image de canaal digitaal en tvvlaanderen kaartjes werken met de orginele canaal digitaal module in de ontvanger.


Wel effe in het menu > common interface taken > groene toets (bewerken) > geel (provider) > canaal digitaal en tvvlaanderen toevoegen.


Restart de ontvanger en zie BEELD !!!! :D :D :D



Fantastisch werk weer van het PKT team !!




Blijft ze eindelijk slapen, slaapt ze…



Multytenne TWIN > Astra 19.2 - Hotbird 13.0 - Astra 23.5 - Astra 28.5

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Heeft er iemand V3 op USB werkend met een interne HDD?


Verder dan "WELCOME" geraak ik voorlopig niet.

aangepast door dvbs

Groeten van dvbs,        


             UFS9101W met TitanNit + DM7020HDv1 met OpenATV 6.3 + DM920 UHD met Merlin OE2.5 + Gemini 4

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Ondertussen geraak ik tot aan "wait 1st install", maar daar blijft het dan ook bij, nog niemand succes?

Groeten van dvbs,        


             UFS9101W met TitanNit + DM7020HDv1 met OpenATV 6.3 + DM920 UHD met Merlin OE2.5 + Gemini 4

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