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Leuke plugin uitdaging

Gast pcrene

Aanbevolen berichten

Op rsi-images las ik het volgende:


Hi RSi friends,


Soon there will be new version of the RSI images. First there will be a ME version and some days later a HD version. Please be patients for some days.


Next to this we have something new. We want to make a plugin contest. Make one of the two BEST Azbox ME plugins and win one of two FREE AZBOX ME.


All plugins that are send in will be online at the RSI website. There will be a poll so user can choose the BEST TWO PLUGINS !


The rules:


- It must be an own made plugin made from scratch and not an adaption of an excising plugin.

- No (copyright) law may be broken. So keep it LEGAL. E.g. No emulators !

- The names of the winners will be public to proof the winner’s get their free Azbox ME.

- The plugin can be in every language but English is a MUST. E.g. multilingual with e.g. Portuguese and English is ok.

- The source code and the rights of the plugins are for the creator. The RSI team doesn’t want any right except the right to use it as plugin or build in a RSI image without time limit. Just to clarify this: all send in plugins may be used by the RSI team not just the two winners.

- No advertisements in the plugin with the exception of and one forum the creator of the plugin chooses. Also no brand names expect Azbox or none.

- It would be nice, but not a must, to provide installable ikg plugins.

- The RSI administrator can decide to reject and/or remove a plugin from this contest without given reason.

- Plugins can be send in from NOW till June 1st 2012. The poll will run during June 2012.

- The two winners will be contacted in the first week of July and their new Azbox ME will be send.

- Plugins must be send to The admin will NOT reply.

- This text including these rules my widely spread on the Internet.

aangepast door pcrene
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