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Proton • SES 5

Launch time: 1838 GMT (2:38 p.m. EDT)

Launch site: Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan


An International Launch Services Proton rocket with a Breeze M upper stage will deploy the SES 5 satellite. SES 5 will provide communications services over Africa, Europe and the Middle East. SES 5 will also carry the first hosted L-band payload for the European Commission's European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS). Delayed from June 18 and June 19. Delayed from July 7.


10.0°E 11305,V,30000 8PSK Service-7 (EBU) 4:2:2






feedhunting , a crazy hobby !


Edison OS mio 4K UHD + Octagon SF8008 4K UHD + Dr.HD F15 + Edison OS mini + Technomate TM-5402 HD M3 CI   , Moteck SG2100 + Deltastar 90 cm + Invacom C120 QDF-031 Quad lnb + SkyStar HD2,TBS5927 , en TT-budget S2-1600 kaart. Channel Master 180 cm schotel + ESX241 lnb voor C-band.

DVB-T2 via Oostvleteren,Egem,Mont des Cats,Bouvigny en Doornik.

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