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Helaas, mijn geliefde Red Button kanaaltjes verdwijnen:


But from October 15, the BBC is reducing the service to just one stream as part of a 25 percent cut (£36 million) to its Online and Red Button budgets. At the same time, the corporation is planning to replicate elements of the service, along with a host of next-generation ideas, by “re-inventing” it as Connected Red Button on internet-connected TV platforms.



Astra 1N (28.2° East)

Transponder 45

Frequency: 10.77325 GHz

Horizontal polarisation

Modulation: DVB-S, QPSK

Symbol rate: 22.0 Mbaud

FEC 5/6

Transport Stream ID: 2045


Channel SID

BBC Red Button Stream 6390


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