mmm Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Hallo allemaal. Dit lijkt erg veel op een nieuwe uit te proberen versie van onze geliefde firmware, gemaakt door het Tuxon-team. Kijk eens op de Tuxon download area. Gewoon uitproberen zou ik zeggen!!!!!! ******************************** TuxOnHumax proudly presents: +CAM ToH 2.0 ******************************** ----------------------------------- Preface ----------------------------------- With this version it is necessarily to used a version of the program HRC > = 2,4 and Setedit > = 2,0. For editing the PMC a new version of the program PMC-Edit is necessary too. It is not allowed to change the ToH firmware in any way without our Agreement. For adapted language versions, please get in contact with us under . ----------------------------------- Security ----------------------------------- In order to ensure that the enclosed HDF file is an original ToH firmware, you only should use the program HU (Humax Uploader) for flashing the humax. An examination by HU is necessary for the protection from fakes, which could destroy the Humax. The version is identified while loading in HU. ----------------------------------- New features in version2.0 ----------------------------------- Macro mode implementation with Humax remote control Automatic 16:9 or 4:3 format change-over for 16:9 televisions Adjustable time offset per channel PMC entries can be assigned to an antenna id +CAM functionality can be switched off PAL/NTSC support Extended film info menu -16:9 flag -long filminformation -filminformation on all Premiere Directchannels -clearer film detail display ToH QME Module -info menu -internal view of data -parser ToH EPG Module -extended EPG display -settingseditor -PMCT editor -configuration menu ----------------------------------- Documentation of the innovations ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Macromode ----------------------------------- There is a new mode in the firmware, which can be activated or deactivated with the TV/Sat key on the remote control. According to standard this mode is active. When pressing the key a green "M" is displayed for macro mode on and a red "M" mode is deactivated. The original function of the TV/Sat key is obtained by pressing the key two times in a short time. In the macro mode it is possible set the keys of the remote control with own commands or command chains. The programming of these macros happens with the program HME (Humax macro editor). With this program you can test and set the macros, with attached RS232 zero-modem cable from the PC to the Humax, for a durable allocation with the occupied functions a HDF file is produced, which can be downloaded with HU. There are two macros defined in the act, the Firmware reserves on the keys "?" and "EPG". With these keys two new ToH modules can be called (ToH QME Module und ToH EPG Module). --------------------------------------------------------------- Automatic 16:9 or 4:3 format change-over for 16:9 televisions --------------------------------------------------------------- In the firmware an automatic format recognition is implemented, these recognizes the sent format (16:9 or 4:3) and switches an attached 16:9 television into the correct format. So that this function functions perfectly, the receiver must be set to "16:9" "Full" under A/V output settings. The further control is then taken over by the Humax. With the configuration menu in the ToH EPG Module (see below) you can switch on/off the automatic recognition. According to standard it is switched on. Note: So that the receiver can control the television, a full-wired scart-cable between receiver and TV must be used. ------------------------------------ Adjustable time offset per channel ------------------------------------ Foreign channels are sending a systemtime over the DVB stream, which has a time offset to the local time (for example Premiere to Stream). If you set the time offset in the original menu for the time settings to the correct shift for the local time, the time from the foreign channel is wrong. With this version it is possible to set the time offset for each channel relative to global time offset. This takes place similarly as you switch off Dolby digital for some channels over the PMCT (see PMCT entries under ToH EPG Module, column "TO" for time offset). ---------------------------------------------- PMC entries can be assigned to an antenna ID ---------------------------------------------- In the past it could lead to problems, if on different satellites providers use the same service-id. In the PMCT distinct select of the channel was possible. Now the clarity over antenna-id and service-id was extended into the PMCT. ---------------------------------------- +CAM functionality can be switched off ---------------------------------------- The +CAM functionality of the internal CAMs can be switched off for individual channels. This is done via registering an CA-ID of "FFFF" for the appropriate entry into the PMCT. So the CA-ID is only evaluated by an external CI module. ----------------------------------- PAL/NTSC support ----------------------------------- With the current version an automatic recognition of NTSC for our "DX'ler" friends is implemented. For NTSC channels the solution is set to 704*480 and 30Hz, so the channels can be shown correctly and without disturbances, if your TV does support NTSC. Besides most of the important screen insertions are recomputed, because of the smaller number of lines. A 100% adjustment of all menus is too complex, therefore some menu data are lost downward. The recognition can be switched on/off in the config menu in the ToH EPG Module (see further below). With PAL transmissions the format is switched back to PAL automatically. ----------------------------------- Extended film info menu ----------------------------------- The info box, which appears while switching the programs or through pressing the red "i" key on the remote control, was transformed. With 16:9 transmissions an appropriate symbol apart from the time appears. On transmitters with short category display (e.g. comedy) the storage location category is used to show a not shorten film title. These most not shorten film titles are also shown in the ToH EPG Module. On each premiere direct channel the film info is shown and not only on those with an "E". So that this functions will work, you have to switch once to a direct channel with "E" or another channel, which sends on this transponder. One of the channel this works on are: PremNostalgie, PremSerie, Krimi&Co, DiscoveryChannel or Sport2. The data for the others direct channels will be buffered thereby, while on the transponder with the direct channels without "E" no EPG information is sent. The film detail box, which appears if you press "?" on the remote control, during the info box is displayed, is shown in a clearer format. ----------------------------------- ToH QME Module ----------------------------------- By pressing the key "?" on the remote control in macro mode, you wil get into the ToH QME Module. This menu is partitioned into five coloured differentiated register maps, which you can select through pressing the accordingly colored key on the remote control. Appropriate paging through the menus is likewise possible by pressing the cursor keys right/left beside the "OK" key. In the red menu all channel relevant data is clearly listed. In the green menu the current solution is shown, as well as the signal strength and -quality. The audio information of the current channel is displayed too. While listening dolby digital these information are empty. In the yellow menu your own PMCT is shown, as well as contents of the conditional access table (CAT) and the programm map table (PMT). The sub functions on the left side , can be selected with the appropriate numbers on the remote control. If the announcement of the information is longer than a page, then page by page scrolling is possible with the cursor keys up/down below the "OK" key. On the blue side a parser is displayed, which translates the PMT. With the cursor keys up/down it can be scrolled page by page. The white menu contains general informations and a small "James Bond" secret . ----------------------------------- ToH EPG Module ----------------------------------- Into the ToH EPG menu you get by pressing the key "EPG" in the macromode on the remote control. This module is divided into four submenus, you can select each of them by pressing the cursor keys right/left beside the "OK" key on the remote control. Under EPG the most unshorten film titles (see extended film info menu) with the weekday and the starting times are shown. The actual running channel is white emphasized. With the cursor keys up/down, over and under the "OK" key, you can scroll the pages. This applies also to all other sub menus in this module. During the using of the EPG zapping with P+ and P- is possible. In the submenu settings all channel settings are displayed, the actual received channel is white emphasized. By pressing the "OK" key the settings data can be changed. The current channel name will get red, now you can select the channel you want to change with cursor keys up/down. With the cursor key right the entry which you want to change can be selected and changed. If you select the antenna/frequency you only can select between transponders which are already existing, a transponder search is not possible. The changes are stored through pressing the "OK" key, to reject the changes press the "EXIT" key on the remote control. All made changes in the settings are stored directly into the flash and remain also after switching off the receivers. In the submenu PMCT the adjusted entries are shown and can be changed and extended for test purposes. The PMCT cannot be flashed at present while it is in use, therefore changes and extensions are valid only up to next switching off. This should be sufficient for testing entries, durable changing of the PMCT is possible with the program PMC-Edit. If an entry is used for the actual received channel, the entry is white emphasized. Changing of the entries is possible by pressing the "OK" key on the remote control. A red line appears, and with the cursor keys up/down the line which you want to chang can be selected. With the cursor key right the appropriate value can be selected and changed afterwards. Hex values can be entered while pressing the following keys "Mute"=A, "RED"=B, "GREEN"=C, "YELLOW"=D, "BLUE"=E and "WHITE"=F on the remote control. The changes can be stored by pressing the "OK" key (like said only up to switching off). If you want to rejected the changes, this is done by pressing the "EXIT" key on the remote control. Into the PMCT some new fields were added "Ant ID" and "TO". With "Ant ID" the antenna you want to use is specified, on which the adjusted service id is to be used (see PMC entries can be assigned to an antenna id). With the field "TO" a time offset for the selected channel, relative to the generally used time in hours can be set (Adjustable time offset per channel). With selecting the point with the cursor a positive or negative time offset can be set with cursor keys up/down. If you want to switch off the +CAM functionality for a special channel, you have to enter "FFFF" as the CA-ID the channel selected by the service-id. This is intended for simultaneous use with external CI modules. If the entry of the actual received channel is selected by pressing the "OK" key, right of the line all actual sent entries will be appear for the entry. If you press the cursor keys up/down after selecting the CA-ID, the possible entries are set automatically. It is likewise possible to add new entries into the PMCT for test purposes. To do this you have to go to the last page of the PMCT and press "OK". A red line appears, now you must scroll up to the last entry of the list and press cursors down one more time. An entry with the actual data of the current channel is added and can be edited. All sent values are shown on the right side of the entry. An added entry can be deleted by selecting an ant-id of "0" (then DELETE will be displayed instead) and confirm it by pressing "OK". With the submenu "CONFIG" some ToH specific functions can be adjusted. With the point "macro mode on Startup" you can adjust whether the macro mode is active when you switch on the receiver. It can be switched off at any time by pressing the "TV/SAT" key (see macro mode). With the point "Auto 16:9/4:3 - Switch" you can steer whether the automatic format change-over for 16:9 televisions should be active on startup or not (see automatic 16:9 or 4:3 format change-over for 16:9 televisions). The point "Auto NTSC/PAL - Switch" controls the automatic recognition and change-over of NTSC channels and the change-over to NTSC with 30HZ (see PAL/NTSC support). ****************************************************** Have fun with the +CAM ToH 2.0 wishes you HUMI_USER, Padawan, Planet Hemp, QME5400, Undici77 und der Rest des TuxOnHumax Teams ******************************************************
Lucky Star Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Aangezien ik niet meer in kan loggen bij Satpages en de Pool ook niet vooruit te branden is, heb ik effe een snelle downloadserver gezocht! Denk dat er wel meer op zitten te springen? Grtz, Lucky Star <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" /> 01 05 90 00 00 00 02 00 A9
satfanatic Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Of anders natuurlijk op hun eigen Tuxon Humax downloadpage Satfanatic. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> Satfanatic, 2x DM 500HD 1.6, 1x DM 7020HD OE 2.0,
Lucky Star Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 @satfanatic Daar kun je dus niet Direct die firmware downloaden, want die verwijst naar satpage. Vandaar dat ik een andere URL heb gezocht. Maar ... ik heb hem er zojuist ingepompt en ik schrik mij rot wat ze allemaal uitgevogeld hebben, compleet nieuwe menus zitten erin, de EPG is anders, etc ... nou als dit zo doorgaat kan hij straks net zoveel als die Nokia 9500! Zo kun je met je afstandbediening de ECM Ident uitlezen en veranderen, das pas handig (effe van decodering wisselen). Hmmm ... misschien wordt het tijd de Nokia te verkopen, of zal ik hem als radio blijven gebruiken? Good Luck, Lucky Star <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" /> 01 05 90 00 00 00 02 00 A9
Gast Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Is die software geschikt voor de humax 5400 en vind ge da een goeie software? Mvg. Batistuta
Lucky Star Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Tuurlijk, het is de allernieuwste patch +CAM software voor de Humax 5400, 5400Z en 5400ZG. Er zit nog geen Nederlandse optie in, maar die zal wel snel volgen. Dit knap staaltje werk is gemaakt door: HUMI_USER, Padawan, Planet Hemp, QME5400, Undici77 und der Rest des TuxOnHumax Teams Grtz, Lucky Star <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" /> 01 05 90 00 00 00 02 00 A9
Gast Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Waar kan ik HRC versie 2.4 vinden,want ik heb de versie 1.3 en bij de leesmij files staat geschreven dat de versie 2.4 nodig is ? Mvg. Batistuta
Lucky Star Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Voor alle overige software zie volgende URL: . Grtz, Lucky Star <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" /> 01 05 90 00 00 00 02 00 A9
Gast Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Binnenkort uiteraard ook weer de officiele versie met Nederlands menu optie ook bij ons te downloaden. Ter info,
Gast Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 heb hem nu al erin zitten en hij draait perfekt, alleen epg is even aan wennen, duw je de vraagteken in dan zie je verschillende mogelijkheden en c....s. zuo zeggen erin zetten maar en laten draaien .( heb hem bij crazy ivan gehaald)
duske Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Beste Sinto de update crayz ivan is die nederlands aangestuurd of engels Ik heb liever de nederlandse versie en als die komt wacht ik daar wel op groetjes duske GELUKKIG ZIJN ER NOG SAT-VRIENDEN DIE JE WILLEN HELPEN .. Als je het weet is het gemakkelijk. Beter 2 keer vragen dan 1 keer fout doen. Dreambox600 800Hd strong 8000
Gast Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Jongens, even een eerste berichtje... Heb de software gedownloaded en was het meeste benieuwd naar de PAL - NTSC mogelijkheden. Het is in één woord fantastisch. Mijn mening over die h5k4 is met 180° gedraaid. Die h5k4 is (voorlopig) niet meer EoL (= End of Life) Je moet wel een TV hebben die NTSC kan, maar dan heb je ook werkelijk een perfect beeld en geluid. Heen en weer schakelen tussen NTSC en PAL verloopt prima. Ik ga snel mijn "uit" op dit board veranderen om mijn negative mening niet langer openlijk te laten blijken. De h5k4 wordt volwassen... Nog één vraag... Waarom komen dit soort ENORME verbeteringen niet van Humax zelf...? maar van een paar software freaks..? Groeten... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />
dipke3 Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Heb 'm er net ook ingepompt... in 1 woord FANTASTISCH! En ook hier de vraag: waarom niet zo'n uitgebreide versie van Humax zelf?? PS1: switch 16/9 doet het bij mij niet, scart kabel is nochtans in orde PS2: volgende aanpak: de disecq motor settings! Daar valt in de huidige opzet veel negatiefs over te vertellen...
Gast Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Let er wel op dat je PMC edit niet op deze nieuwe firmware loslaat anders zou je wel eens je Humax kunnen vernielen! Als je op je EPG toets drukt verschijnt er bovenin een menubalk, hierin kan je o.a. de PMC pids en ECM zelf handmatig snel in wijzigen! Ter info,
pet123 Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Geplaatst: 17 september 2002 Volgensmij wordt de dreambox nu overbodig. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" /> Knap stukje software!
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