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Dvbapp wordt dezer dagen vaak geüpdate...

VU+Duo4K op Loewe Bild 5.65 OLED UHD HDR tv,  Raspberry Pi3 + Apple TV HD in bureau op Loewe Individual 46, Apple TV 4K op slaapkamer icm Loewe Bild 5.55 LCD in kast van ART55 😅


Update: 01.10.2013

- update plugin devicemanager2 (ver. 1.4-r0)

  • change default filesystem for harddisks to ext4
  • support harddisks greater than 2 TB

- update VTiPanel (ver. 2.9-r10)

  • fix crash in BackupSuite if AtileHD is not installed

- add skin Future HD

Geplaatst: (aangepast)

Update: 03.10.2013

- increase image version to VTi 6.0.2
- update dvbapp2 (2013-10-03)

    add option to show EPG data in timer list (needs skin support)
    add preview mode in service list (2X OK mode) (see option in VTi setup)
    add function to create folders from within MovieList
    set default nameserver for switching from DHCP to manual configuration
    fix possible crash in timer list at pressing EPG button

- update VTiPanel (ver. 2.9-r11)
- update skin AtileHD (ver. 1.4-r4)
- update skin EyeSightHD (ver. 2013-10-03)
- update skin WhiteLine (ver. 2013-10-03)




Update: 04.10.2013

- update plugin remoteTimer (support VTi timer types)

aangepast door Tonskidutch

Singing in the Shower

Les Rita Mitsouko & Sparks


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