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Update: 2013-12-24

- increase image version --> VTi 6.0.5
- update drivers (2013-12-24)

•Support new HbbTV release

•fix misc bugs

- update opera-hbbtv (ver. 2013-12-24)

•misc. speedups

•support YouTube TV

- update dvbapp2 (ver. 2013-12-24)

•support EPG views during movie playback
EPGBar = OK button long, Service EPG = EPG button long

•support PiP in EPGBar screen during movie playback (ts files) including zapping and timer programming

•turn on/off EPGBar PiP with Play button (turn off not for Duo and Uno/Ultimo HD PiP)

•picon renderer takes care of picon size given in skin(picon folder should be picon_WIDTHxHEIGHT)

•update pl translation by @kapciu75

•fix minor bugs

- update plugin AIHDController pichmod (ver. 2.9)
- update plugin EasyInfo (ver. 2013-12-24)

•adjust for VTi dvbapp2 functions

- update plugin GraphMultiEPG (ver. 2013-12-24)

•increase font size

•add skip +/- 1 day function (<> buttons)

- update plugin OpenWebInterface (ver. 0.2.6 2013-12-23)

•add link to LCD4Linux webinterface

- update plugin PicturCenterFS (ver. 3.76)
- update plugin WebRadioFS (ver. 11.39)
- update picons pph & LicherPils (19.2)
- add picons 50x30 pph (19.2)
- update skin Nemesis Glassline (ver. 6.0)
- add skin BlackBlueSkyHD (ver. 1.0)
- add skin BlackRedSkyHD (ver. 1.0)
- add skin Dark-BeautyHD (ver. 1.0)

We Live And Die




Update: 2013-12-27
- update dvbapp2

    minor bugfix in EPGBar

- update plugin HbbTV (2013-12-27)

    add option where to show YouTube TV

- update plugin GraphMultiEPG (2013-12-27)

    use button 8 to jump to given time

- update plugin EMC (2.7.0beta 2013-12-27)

    support VTi feature EPG/PiP during movie playback
    show .asf files (THX @AKKI)

- update plugin OpenWebIf (2013-12-27)

    fix link for LCD4linux

- update skin ApfelHD
- update skin DarkBeautyHD
- update skin Nemesis Glassline (ver. 6.1)

We Live And Die



  • 2 weken later...

Update: 06.01.2014
- update plugin RemoteChannelStreamConverter

    support transcoded streams

- update plugin TranscodingSetup (solo2)

    fix bitrate/framerate setup




Update: 08.01.2014

- update skin DarkBeautyHD (ver. 1.1b)

We Live And Die




Update: 09.01.2014

- update dvbapp2 (2014-01-09)

    Vu+ HbbTV improvements

update opera-hbbtv (2014-01-09)

    support seek at ARD Mediathek
    fix video playback bugs at Tagesschau

update gstreamer plugins

We Live And Die




Update: 13.01.2014

- update plugin YAMP (ver. 2.6.5)
- update skin CrystalHD (ver. 1.1b)
- add plugin FileBrowserVTi (ver. 1.0)


sorry was gisteren avond niet meer online

We Live And Die




Update: 16.01.2014
- update opera-hbbtv (2014-01-16)

    works for compatibility
    enhancement for seek on VOD
    fix setDimension
    [hbbtv/youtubetv] improvement player to stable

- update skin DarkBeautyHD (ver 1.2)
- update skin GlowHD (ver 1.1)

We Live And Die




Update: 02.02.2014

- add skin DarkRedBeauty HD (ver. 1.0)
- update plugin AutoTimer (2014-02-02)
- update plugin DeviceManager2
- update plugin FritzCall (2014-02-02)
- update plugin InfoBarTunerState (2014-02-02)
- update plugin OpenWebIf (ver. 0.2.7 2014-02-02)

We Live And Die



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