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Saudi zender MBC Bollywood Channel kort voor de start

Drs. IJzerbout

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MBC, nu al met 14 MBC zenders present via de BADR, Nilesat en Yahsat satellieten alsmede de kabel netwerken in het Midden Oosten, starten binnen de komende dagen een nieuwe zender: MBC Bollywood.


Bron: Drs. IJzerbout, maar je kunt het ook lezen op o.a Emirates 24/7:



Saudi Arabia’s Middle East Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) television will soon launch a channel devoted to showing Indian films, the first such a free-to-air satellite TV service to be introduced by an Arab TV company.

‘MBC Bollywood’ is expected to go on air soon to raise to 14 the number of TV channels owned by Dubai-based MBC, a private Saudi media venture and one of the largest TV establishments in the Middle East.

Over the past few weeks, MBC has advertised heavily for the launching of the new channel, which will showcase Indian movies and TV series and will target the Arab region.

The channel will air the latest and freshest of Bollywood content, dubbed into Arabic and will air will more than just movies.

MBC, which broadcasts in both Arabic and English, said it had completed arrangements for the launching of ‘MBC Bollywood’ and it will go on air in mid-October.

 “MBC Bollywood will launch in mid-October, and it will showcase series and movies from Bollywood. It will be our 14th channel and adds to our existing bouquet,” Mazen Hayek, group director of PR & Commercial at MBC, said in Gulf press comments.

MBC’s channels include Arabic language MBC 1 and MBC drama as well as MBC 2, MBC Action and MBC Max, which are dedicated to foreign movies and series.

"On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."

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Klopt, ik ontvang de zender hier op mijn lokatie in Duitsland op bovengenoemde frequentie. Het is transponder 12 op Nilesat 102 en dus goed te ontvangen in our neck of the woods.

Op BADR 26° oost zie ik nog niets.

"On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."

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