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ITV1 - Voor de speurneuzen vanavond allerlaatste Poirot


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13 november Agatha Christie's Poirot
Series 13, Episode 4: Curtain: Poirot's Final Case
Today on ITV from 8:00pm to 10:00pm
Last ever episode of the detective drama. Now confined to a wheelchair, Poirot calls on his old friend Captain Hastings for assistance as they
return to Styles, the country house that was the scene of their first murder investigation. The great detective's brain remains as sharp as
ever, and he tells his friend that Styles is again harbouring a killer and it is simply a matter of time before the axe falls once more. As
guests begin to fall victim to mysterious attacks, Poirot must summon the last of his strength and push his 'little grey cells' to the very
limit. With David Suchet, Hugh Fraser, Helen Baxendale, Anne Reid, and John Standing. AD SUB
aangepast door Rocketscientist

Lid van 10 november 2003 t/m 30 oktober 2015

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