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Update: 30.11.2014

- update plugin GraphMultiEPG

    fix crash when multi bouquet mode is disabled

- update task-vuplus-essential

    add libusb packages

What's A Woman

Vaya Con Dios



Update: 04.12.2014

- update plugin webradioFS (ver. 12.65)
- update skin area51-hd (ver. 1.2)
- update skin balance-hd (ver. 2.2)
- update skin dark-beauty-hd (ver. 3.3)
- add skin xmas-allinone-hd (ver. 1.0)
- add skin xmas-blue-hd (ver. 1.0)
- add skin xmas-green-hd (ver. 1.0)
- add skin xmas-red-hd (ver. 1.0)

What's A Woman

Vaya Con Dios


  • 3 weken later...

Update: 29.12.2014

- update drivers (2014/12/29)

    Improve media playback
    Fix tuning problem in DVB-S2 Single(AV6211) tuner(duo2, solose, uno, ultimo)

- update plugin webradiosFS (ver. 12.75)

What's A Woman

Vaya Con Dios


  • 2 weken later...

Update: 11.01.2015

- update drivers (2015-01-09)

    fix 1080P skin problem
    fix occasional spinner in media playback

- update drivers hmp-usb-dvb-t2-c (ver. 2014-11-06)

    If you have another USB DVB device in use, please remove this driver and install corresponding kernel-module for your device

- update plugin piconmanager (ver. 0.2 2015-01-11)
- update skin blue-shadow2-hd (ver. 1.3)
- update skin glow-hd (ver. 1.2)

What's A Woman

Vaya Con Dios


  • 2 weken later...

Update: 28.01.2015

- update plugin autoshredder (ver. 1.3 2015-01-24)
- update plugin coverfind (ver. 0.7 2015-01-24)
- update plugin piconmanager (ver. 1.1 2015-01-20)
- update skin oval-hd (ver. 1.5 2015-01-26)
- add skin full-hd(ver. 1.0 2015-01-26)

What's A Woman

Vaya Con Dios


  • 2 weken later...

Update: 04.02.2015

- update plugin camofs (ver. 8.69)
- update plugin kiddyblock (ver. 0.4 2015-01-31)
- update plugin mspfs (ver. 1.00)
- update plugin planerfs (ver. 6.50)
- update plugin webradiofs (ver. 12.86)

What's A Woman

Vaya Con Dios



Update: 08.02.2015 - Software Update

- update plugin camofs (ver. 8.71)
- update plugin piconmanager (ver. 2.0 2015-02-08)
- update skin full-hd (ver. 1.2)
- update skin future-hd (ver. 1.3)
- update skin oval-hd (ver. 1.7)

What's A Woman

Vaya Con Dios


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