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IS 905 61/61 slot A, Orbital Slot 335.5; Downlink Frequency 10958.5  Vertical, FEC 3 /4, Symbol Rate 6.1113


Live coverage of the Times Square New Year’s Eve festivities with exclusive panoramic views from proprietary camera locations with the ambient and natural sounds of the revelers. Highlights include the lighting and raising of the New Year’s Eve Ball at 6 p.m. EST, hourly countdowns, activities engaging the revelers, AP’s Year-End News video, live musical performances by rock group O.A.R., alt-rock group American Authors, singer-songwriters Alejandra Guzmán and Jencarlos Canela, a Military Salute medley by the USO Show Troupe and Special Guest the International Rescue Committee joined by the Mayor of New York City to push the Waterford Crystal button that signals the Ball Drop. This clean, uninterrupted feed will be provided free of charge to media organizations around the world on a non-exclusive basis solely for their use in creating television programming relating to the event.

Wavefrontier T90, Vu+ Duo 4k SE (DVB-S2x/FBC & DVB-T2), Octagon SF4008 (2x DVB-S2x & 1x DVB-T2), Mut@nt HD51 (DVB-S2x & DVB-C), TBS6920 & TBS6925

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