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aankondigingen VTI 9.0.x updates


Aanbevolen berichten

21.01.2016 - Software Update

- update dvbapp2 (2016-01-21)

    fix freezing mkv playback for some rare mkv types

- update plugin autoframerate

    fix black screen after framerate change
    to activate plugin set:
    Menu>Setup>System>A/V settings>Refresh rate: multi




22.01.2016 - Software Update

- update gstreamer1.0-libav (2016-01-22)

    fix media playback with TrueHD audio tracks



aangepast door Tonskidutch

Stay Awhile



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- update dvbapp2 (2016-01-25)

Timeshift: map function transform timeshift to REC button

Timeshift: remove duplicate menu entries

REC button: add transform timeshift to configuration choices

VU solo 4k ,twin satelliet tuner en 1 kabel tuner en VU solo se v2 ,dual kabel tuner...E85 Maximum multi focus schotel en een Triax 88cm schotel met een 2 way Triax lnb rail....5.0w 0.8w 4.8e 9.0e 13e 19.2e 23.5e 28.2e....VTI 14.0.5 - 6 Inverto black ultra twin lnb's en 2 Alps twin lnb's, Nvidia shield tv.

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  • 2 weken later...

03.02.2016 - Software Update

- update dvbapp2 (2016-02-03)

  • Timers: fix repeating timers
  • Timeshift: enhance naming scheme for timeshift files
  • Timeshift: do not switch to live TV after event change
  • Timeshift: add option to to use < and > buttons for switching timeshift events
  • Timeshift: change default configuration for behaviour at event change

- update hbbtv (ver. 20151228) (solo4k)
- update skin mutespectator (ver. 2.9)

  • see TimeShift screen for new source TimeShiftService

docendo discimus

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07.02.2016 - Software Update

- update dvbapp2 (2016-02-07)

  • Timeshift: fix naming scheme of ts files
  • Timeshift: try to set correct file name for saved event
  • Timeshift: do not stop timeshift when channel selection will be closed without service change

- update gstreamer-plugin-dvbmediasink

  • fix sound dropouts at some media files

docendo discimus

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11.02.2016 - Software Update

- update dvbapp2 (2016-02-11)
  • [EPG] fix segfault at MHW2 reader
  • [EPG] keep extra data after EIT data update
  • [Timeshift] add function to show timeshift events (map to button 0)
  • [Timeshift] make deleting ts files case insensitive

- update plugin epsearch (2016-02-11)
- update plugin satipclient (2016-02-11)

docendo discimus

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14.02.2016 - Software Update

-update dvbapp2 (2016-02-14)
  • [Common] change default value for update check to off
  • [Common] change default value for CI HighBitrate to yes
  • [Timeshift] add option to make old timeshift events available
  • [Timeshift] add option to disable saving timeshift events shorter than given time intervall

- update plugin autoframerate
- update plugin autoresolution (2016-02-14)
- update plugin LCD4Linux (ver. 4.7.-r2-vtir2)
- update plugin multiquickbutton

docendo discimus

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