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[Strong] Doet niets meer en wie weet welke versie


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Ik heb de receiver van mijn vader en zou deze wel even patchen!

Dit bleek anders te gaan dan verwacht.

Toen ik de patch uitvoerde bleef de receiver op cha staan tewijl de computer klaar was. Na 10 minuten de receiver uit en weer aan gezet.En toen was er geen display meer. Ik heb het hele forum afgelezen en alles geprobeerd.

Welk type ik heb is mij onbekend, er staat achterop de receiver: Strong STR8000H met serienummer: 020627334041.

Wie kan mij helpen want ik durf het eigenlijk niet tegen mijn vader te zeggen dat hij kapot is.

Wie kan mij trouwens zeggen waar Strong \nederland gewestigd is en wanneer ze open zijn?


Ik wil alvast iedereen bedanken zie mij wil helpen!




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he hallo


ik zie dat je in rotterdam zit ,ik zit ook in rotterdam en wil je wel ff helpen


geef maar en PM hoe we in contact kunnen komen ,mocht het al verholpen zijn laat het me ook ff weten


groetjes sjaak36


< Als je nooit wat vraag of lees dan weet je ook nooit wat >

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Ben bij Sjaak in Rotterdam op bezoek geweest en we hebben alles geprobeerd maar niets hielp.

Weer thuis gekomen heb ik de zekering gecontroleerd,voeding nagemeten en de condensator op de displayprint kortgesloten.

Kan iemand mij vertellen wat ik nu nog kan proberen.

Heeft iemand soms het schema van de voedingsprint van de strong 8000H.



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krijg je nog wel verbinding als je loader 2000 opstart en dan de strong aanzet


of start loader2000 en zet de strong weer aan in cha mode heb je dan verbinding met de strong ???????

altijd afsluiten met stekker van de strong er even het laden van nieuwe software.

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />

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Het enige wat hij doet is wanneer je hem aan zet hoor je een klein tikje uit de voeding komen(net of hij aan gaat!).

Verder doet hij nog steeds niet.

Ik gebruik trouwens STR 8000 loader (mediaboxloader), en jullie hebben het over loader 2000, is dit hetzelfde? en waar kan ik anders deze downloaden?


Bedankt voor je reactie!



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hallo daar ben ik weer.



ik heb het ook druk hahahahaha


je heb een PM kijk daar maar eens,misschien heb je er wat aan.


< als je nooit wat vraag of lees weet je ook nooit wat > <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Krijg je nog iets te zien in de loader?

Was daar iets te zien op het moment dat je de patch gestart hebt? Zoja, weet je nog of dit frans of engels was?

Wat je via internet niet vindt hoef je meestal niet verder te zoeken.


Kathrein UFS-910 (AAF2.0e/E2 versies) +WiFi +sataHD & Multytenne Twin

Samsung LE46A552: 46" Full HD.

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misschien hier wat aan:

My Strong is dead (display does not ignite)


This problem is solved in different ways, some of them probably fixes the terminal.


Solution 1:

It verifies that your terminal gives life signs, that is to say, test if connecting it to the PC and forming port COM, when igniting it, loader it detects that deco exists. It will have to put something in the inferior window, although it is only a rare sign. The important thing is that intercommunication exists.

If you have been able to put it in way CHA (although you do not see it in display because it is in black), test to introduce firmware again. It can that way CHA is only put if it detects some error in firmware, so you do not worry if you do not see display. If the new load is made correctly, your deco will return to normality and will return to illuminate display.

If this has not worked it follows with the following thing:


Solution 2:

We continued supposing that something of intercommunication between deco exists and PC has perhaps not let to us load firmware, can that deco continues waiting for data. First of all we must say to the Strong that lets hope. This becomes of the following form:

1. - Pon in march the Strong (non-modal CHA).

2. - It executes the Loader2000 and it chooses the COM to which it is connected.

3. - In the window of down always in small letters and without comiles it presses:

" h " leaves something?

" control + c " several times leaves something?

" g " ignites display?

4. - If it is not thus it ignites the Strong putting it in way CHA and returns to try to load firmware again.

If this to continued either does not happen to the following solution:


Solution 3:

In some cases the previous thing is not sufficient. Then we must act as it is indicated:

1 Abre the hyperterminal and configuralo ( you know to form it? )

2 Enciende the terminal.

3 Pulsa a key

4 Aparecerá something like: " Acces Code? " (password is requesting you to enter UNDER)

5 Quickly you key in " cafe " (without the comiles)

6 If it has not given time you and it leaves " aim acces code? ", it returns to point 3.

7 Already you are in UNDER

8 Pulsa " c " and the Rx will be hoping that him loadings a file.

9 Cierra the hyperterminal.

10- Abre loader, forms the COM and selects the file that you want to send.

11- Pulsa Start

When doing this, will load new firmware, but it is possible that it follows without igniting display. As soon as loadings firmware and you reinitiate the terminal (to pay and to ignite with the button of the frontal) would be due to ignite.


Solution 4:

Sometimes the problem is not firmware, that is to say, ours deco apparently is dead because a condenser is overloaded. That condenser is in the frontal of the Rx, and can cause that micro does not work micro of the frontal (this controls everything: display, remote control, keys of the frontal, clock...)

The case that has occurred changing the frontal of the terminal by another equal one if it worked perfectly. It is not necessary that you prove to put another frontal to prove, is possible to be fixed of the following form if this it is your case:

We extinguished the Rx.

Removing the frontal, in the board it has a condenser of 0,22 uF that uses as a batería.(Es green and with form of small battery)

We must cortocircuitar (uniting pins both) during seconds (I could jump a spark).

One does not forget to you to again connect the frontal to the board before closing it

If this era the problem, when igniting deco everything will go OK display will ignite and it is possible to be returned to load firmware.


Solution 5:

It can that micro of which it is spoken before always is reseteado, doing that does not work anything, but that is not due to the condenser that is indicated. Not if bypassing a transistor that is alongside fixes, but if that there are to have fixed experiences it resoldando it again.


Solution 6:

This is the solution that cures everything almost, not to say the totality. It is the most tragic solution and the one than one is due to practice in last instance or case of having lost certainty to have boot of the terminal. Boot can be lost of diverse forms, and once it is had lost we were without the communication between PC and Strong. This means that we will not be able to reprogramar flash BFC0 to again introduce boot to him through loader. The form to do it will be more delicate. With very many taken care of we will have to desoldar flash BFC0 (it is identified in the photos of the inner " section of the terminal ") Is flash has 48 pins, with which in addition you must have very many patience. Which remembers that to find this type of flash in a store he is very complicated, with if we spoiled it can that is the aim of deco, we do not have spare part. Once we have it loose, we will have it to take to some store that programs flashes (if we do not have the clear programmer) and we take the special file to him for programmers whom boot contains so that they introduce it. Once programmed, with end again taken care of, we will weld the flash in its site well, fixing to us that we placed it in the correct and not invested position. If it beams in complete instance, can that you take a joy.

Note: As there am saying, there are electronics stores that program the flash, in any case I am looking for the schemes of some programmer in case you want hacéroslo to it. Loader for the programmer is in the zone download .




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Had ik ook kabels aan de computer en een paar keer op CTR c drukken gooit ie alles er uit en vervolgens druk je op c en laad je het weer in dat bestandje van 2 mb wil er dan niet in je hebt het verkeerd erin gezet probeer een komplete versie zoals de v9b of zo suc6 man ik weet zeker dat het je gaat lukken en ik moet zeggen dat het ook niet de gemakelijk is maar als je het 1 keer weet is het klaar.

De pioneer is nog erger moet je een J Tag voor hebben heel karwei. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />




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