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1. Satellites Not Ready For Cyber Threat

The U.S. government's General Accounting Office, responsible for

checking up on the U.S. Congress, recently released a report in which it

singles out satellites as particularly vulnerable to hacker attack and

criticized the federal government for allowing them to be over-looked

despite the potential consequences. The GEO report states, "If false

commands could be inserted into a satellite's command receiver, they

could cause the spacecraft to tumble or otherwise destroy itself."


The report points out that many commercial satellite systems used by

both the private sector and the government, including the Department of

Defense, are run by the private sector. A relationship that often

results in inadequate security measures. The GEO found that some

satellite companies don't encrypt satellite control data, making it

easier for hackers to send unwanted and harmful commands.


The report goes on to explain that, "It is also feasible to insert false

information or computer viruses into the terrestrial computer networks

associated with a space system, either remotely or through an on-site

connection. Such an attack could lead to space system degradation or

even complete loss of spacecraft utility."


Some satellite service providers take higher precautions than others,

but it is this very diversity that sheds light on the problem of lax

satellite security regulation. The government merely suggesting what

security measures to take does not give enough incentive to providers to

come up with the big money needed to implement tight security solutions.

The report argues that the federal government must take the lead in

solving this problem and must therefore put forth binding regulations

that apply to both private and public sector satellite operators.



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