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Aankondigingen VTi 11.x Updates


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Hier komen de aankondigingen voor updates van VTi 11.0


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VU+ Duo2  met VTi  13 VU+ Uno met VTi  9.0.2

geen Canal Digitaal meer en geen Sparql iptv meer
Triax 78, astra 1,2,3, HB

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  • Reacties 56
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Beste reacties in dit topic

30.11.2016 - Software Update


- update driver (20161130) (solo se, duo2, solo2, solo4k, uno4k, ultimo4k)

support new DVB-C/T2 tuner(TT2L08) (solo se, duo2)

fix misc. (solo2, duo2, solo se)

fix HDR (solo4k, uno4k, ultimo4k)

fix PiP (solo4k)

fix DVB-CI (solo4k)

improve demux (solo4k)

VU solo 4k ,twin satelliet tuner en 1 kabel tuner en VU solo se v2 ,dual kabel tuner...E85 Maximum multi focus schotel en een Triax 88cm schotel met een 2 way Triax lnb rail....5.0w 0.8w 4.8e 9.0e 13e 19.2e 23.5e 28.2e....VTI 14.0.5 - 6 Inverto black ultra twin lnb's en 2 Alps twin lnb's, Nvidia shield tv.

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12.12.2016 - Software Update


- update dvbapp2 20161212

fix wrong detected timer conflicts (CI assignment)


- update plugin AutoShutDown

- update plugin CamoFS (ver. 12.01)

- update plugin OscamButler

- update plugin OpenWebinterface -> ver. 1.1

- update plugin WebRadioFS (ver. 14.63)

- update skin cerxfhd (ver. 20161204)

- update skin cerxfhdweather2 (ver. 20161128)

- update vuplus-blindscan-utils

VU solo 4k ,twin satelliet tuner en 1 kabel tuner en VU solo se v2 ,dual kabel tuner...E85 Maximum multi focus schotel en een Triax 88cm schotel met een 2 way Triax lnb rail....5.0w 0.8w 4.8e 9.0e 13e 19.2e 23.5e 28.2e....VTI 14.0.5 - 6 Inverto black ultra twin lnb's en 2 Alps twin lnb's, Nvidia shield tv.

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14.12.2016 - Software Update


- update dvbapp2 20161214

fix leaving PiP

add long key press for cross left/right at InfoBarSeek actions

tiny cosmetics for focus animations

- update plugin AnimationSetup

disable focus animation by default

- update plugin SeekBar

bring back old buttons (left/right)

VU solo 4k ,twin satelliet tuner en 1 kabel tuner en VU solo se v2 ,dual kabel tuner...E85 Maximum multi focus schotel en een Triax 88cm schotel met een 2 way Triax lnb rail....5.0w 0.8w 4.8e 9.0e 13e 19.2e 23.5e 28.2e....VTI 14.0.5 - 6 Inverto black ultra twin lnb's en 2 Alps twin lnb's, Nvidia shield tv.

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15.12.2016 - Software Update

- update dvbapp2 20161215

  • fix static smartseek buttons
  • by default do not hide infobar when second infobar is shown

- update plugin Autoresolution</itemtext>

  • support Ultimo 4K and Uno 4K

- update plugin LCD4Linux (Ultimo 4K)

  • support Ultimo 4K

- update skin VUHD1080p
tiny infobar comsetics

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20.12.2016 - Software Update


- update dvbapp2 20161220

fix service info screen during media playback

avoid crash at mhw2 epg update

[MovieList] introduce title based virtual folders

ATTENTION: virtual folders are enabled by default

see configuration: MENU>VTi>MOVIES



- update skin kerni-hd1r3 (ver. 20161201)

- add skin iflathd (ver. 4.1)

VU solo 4k ,twin satelliet tuner en 1 kabel tuner en VU solo se v2 ,dual kabel tuner...E85 Maximum multi focus schotel en een Triax 88cm schotel met een 2 way Triax lnb rail....5.0w 0.8w 4.8e 9.0e 13e 19.2e 23.5e 28.2e....VTI 14.0.5 - 6 Inverto black ultra twin lnb's en 2 Alps twin lnb's, Nvidia shield tv.

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23.12.2016 - Software Update

- increase image version: VTi 11.0.1
- update driver 20161223 (solo4k, uno4k, ultimo4k)

  • fix motorized dish (ultimo4k, uno4k)
  • fix PES filter
  • fix FastForward
  • fix DTS media playback problem
  • support 2160p24, 2160p25, 2160p30 video mode
  • support DTS-HD MA Passthrough (needs modified gstreamer)
  • fix Refresh rate
  • fix misc and add more video codecs

- update dvbapp2 20161223

  • [MovieList] improve grouping movies
  • fix misc. bugs

- update plugin videomode autoframerate

  • [iNFO] autoframerate is not needed anymore for uno4k, ultimo4k, solo4k
    driver supports now frame rate swapping
    choose frame rate multi or multi (50/60/24p)

- update plugin autoresolution

docendo discimus

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28.12.2016 - Software Update
- update driver 20161228 (solo2, duo2, solo se, zero)

    fix refresh rate</description>
    fix FF in media playback</description>
    add more video codecs</description>
    add videomode_24hz proc entry</description>
    fix misc.

- update dvbapp2 20161228

    fix start playback after rewinding/forwarding
    fix BSOD in debug logging
    fix misc. bugs

- update plugin videomode autoframerate (solo2, duo2, solo se, zero)

    [iNFO] autoframerate is not needed anymore
    driver supports now frame rate swapping
    choose frame rate multi or multi (50/60/24p)

Shut Your Eyes

Snow Patrol


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