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zit het vast ?

2x Dreambox 900UHD   TRIAX 110 TDS 4x twin lnb 1x bosat 1.50m .1x Dreambox 7020hd v2x dreambox 800

1x DREAMBOX 8000 HD pvr 1x Dreambox 800se  1x GIGABLU HD QUADPLUS  1x Sab unix triple 1x Xsarius Galaxy 4K  1x gigablue trio 1xZgemma H7S - 4K

1x Samsung UE65MU7070 4K Ultra HD Smart LED  1x Samsung  UE46F6650SSXXN led 



In OpenATV staat dit in /usr/keys


Raspberry Pi 3B+ Argolis Triple Reader Kaartserver + Smargo

Vu+ Zero 4K DVB-S2X, Vu+ Zero 4K DVB-C/T2, DM525 Combo, DM920 UHD

VU+Ultimo4K BTE,  DM-Three UHD, Ziggo, HD+, TV-Vlaanderen, ORF, TiVuSAT, Fransat, SRG

5°W, 0.8°W, 4.8°E, 9°E, 13°E,19.2°E, 23.5°E, 28.2°E. Triax 88 en Wavefrontier


Geplaatst: (aangepast)

even bewerkt...antwoord stond r al, pc was nog niet wakker😁


aangepast door alias haha

You can hate me. You can go out there and say anything you want about me, but you will love me later because I told you the truth.

The truth is still the truth even if no one believes it. A lie is still a lie, even if everyone believes it.

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