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Blu-ray Samsung BD-D8509S Firmware problem


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I don`t speak Dutch. Sorry! I've  written this amount in other forums. Maybe someone can help me here.I 


have a problem with the Samsung Blu-ray Player BD-D8509S (  identical:  BD-D8909S)


Defect :


The player starts and the display indicator lights up. It lights up all the time

- standby display,
- "HELLO" logo,
- stop symbol
- Play / pause symbol
- Source symbol
- Eject symbol




There is no on-screen display. The screen is dark via the HDMI connection. Vertical lines can be seen above the RGB output. It looks like the norm isn't right. The hard drive is running, the power supply fan is running, the BluRay drive starts briefly
The supply voltages from S.M.P.S PCB are all measurable and clean. The further voltage generation on the mainboard 1.25 V, 3.3 V, 1.5 V works. I also have the 2.7-5 volts for the HDMI display on the HQ401 and HQ402. But no HDMI output DATA signal.
The device reacts to the remote control and local control. The unit can be turned off and a disc removed. The device shows "Eject" when removing the disc and also exits "clean". However, nothing appears on the TV screen. Also, there is no sound when a disc is inserted. 


I already tried to reset! Unfortunately I was unsuccessful.

I tried to read the bootlog. I used a USB To TTL Serial Converter Adapter.




This BluRay Player device has a Samsung SDP 1004 processor!


Do I have a problem with the firmware? How could I flash the firmware in this current state?


I could connect the cables at the resistors to a "JTAG Interface" to the PC.


R1612 = ARM_RTCK
R1620 = ARM_TMS
R1614 = ARM_TDO
R1619 = ARM_TDI
R1621 = ARM_TCK




Does anyone have the firmware for this Blue-Ray Player? I need the BIN file so that I can start a flash attempt. Or a better repair attempt. Thank you !


Bye, Sven




aangepast door Sven76225
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