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Weet iemand of je net als vroeger via dit kanaal en via scsi de mp3's nog kunt downloaden?

Het station zit op de Hotbird als subcarrier van NBC-giga.


Grtz P.


Ikke niet, maar vind dit wel zeer interressant <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />





Door een maas in de duitse wetgeving was/is het mogelijk voor duitse aanbieders om volledige cd's aan te beiden in mp3 formaat en deze digitaal aan te bieden aan luisteraars. Je kon zelfs een tijd lang een voorkeur uitspreken voor een bepaald album die zij dan op een later tijdstip uitzonden. Of het nog steeds werkt, geen idee. Ik had het op mijn harde schijf staan maar ik weiger om windows te gebruiken. Kan evt wel graven naar de software maar ik denk dat google'en beter resultaat geeft, want ik heb die disk keihard tegen de muur gekwakt.


Linux software is te vinden op

met daarbij een link naar de windows-variant. Een paar dingen die opvallen tijdens het snel lezen van de readme:




The rmp3 protocol is currently used by MEGARADIO

to broadcast their program via NBC Europe TV.


NBC Europe TV can be received:


* Via analog cable-TV in Germany. Some areas have only part-time reception.

Check for details.


* Via Eutelsat HOTBIRD (almost everywhere in Europe) with a *digital* (DVB)

receiver. You either need a digital set-top box that re-inserts the

teletext stream into the analog signal routed to your TV card. Or you

need a DVB-s card and a direct connection to your satellite dish.


* Note that NBC Europe cannot be received with an analog satellite receiver.

And no, NBC Europe is not on Astra -- do not confuse it with CNBC.


* Since rmp3 is a data service you need a pretty good reception of the

TV signal. Even if you barely see any snow in the TV picture you may

still get too many errors for it to be usable. Check the cable to your

TV card (short cables are better) and the finetuning (xawtv: cursor

left/right). Use rmp3 -v to check the signal quality indicator (Q=10 is

perfect, lower numbers are worse).




In particular MEGARADIO at the time of this writing (August 2002) has the

following problems:


* The stream is sent either at 96 kbit/s or 128 kbit/s depending on the

time of the day. Although they claim that the former is required because

an additional teletext magazine is sent, there is no technical reason

for that. If the stream is sent with the correct speed (see below)

there is enough room in the VBI to send the teletext magazine even

at 128 kbit/s.


* The stream is sent too fast (106% for 96 kbit/s and 114% for 128 kbit/s)!

But without a correct stream timing listening to the stream is a pain.

Since your soundcard can only play at a fixed rate some buffer will

inevitably overflow after a short time. You will her a popping noise

in the audio and a piece of the song is lost. Note that file saving is

not affected. If you both listen to the stream and save the stream,

files will be saved ok even if the audio fails.

The only workaround we can offer is to increase the queue length

(e.g. rmp3 -Q 1000 will allocate around 900K). But this just delays

the problem. You will soon see asynchronous output if you use multiple



* The 128 kbit/s MP3 files are of low quality. Apparently they are not

generated with the best encoding and not from an uncompressed source.


* All MP3 file names are in UPPERCASE and are missing all special characters.

The save script tries to compensate for that but this is of course

not perfect.


* The MP3 files do not contain ID3 tags (or contain garbage tags).


* There are no covers or structured song names, yet.


* The are a few violations of the rmp3 protocol which may lead to corrupted

MP3 files if there are many errors or gaps in the stream (the stream ID

is not changed and empty garbage files are sent).


* Sometimes there are long pauses between songs or the rmp3 stream is

stopped and then started again. Just have a bit of patience. Sigh. :-|



Volgens mij heeft/had CNBC altijd een mp3 signaal er bij. Op de duitse site's is er veel meer over te vinden. Daar is ook de software te vinden waar je de mp3 uit het signaal kan filteren.


Heb het zaakje aan de raat gekregen!

Werkt perfect via scsi en Liveplayer.

Artiest en songtitel worden netjes weergegeven en automatisch mee opgeslaan.


Grtz P. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

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