Tonskidutch Geplaatst: 23 november 2022 Geplaatst: 23 november 2022 afbeeldingen zijn niet zichtbaar @de vrije fries linkje stuk <> beter een screenshot maken Oil & Water Boy George, Culture Club
Old Satterhand Geplaatst: 23 november 2022 Geplaatst: 23 november 2022 5 uren geleden, Tonskidutch zei: ..afbeeldingen zijn niet zichtbaar... Bij mij ook niet op de laptop, maar wel zichtbaar op de desktop.
mereltje Geplaatst: 23 november 2022 Geplaatst: 23 november 2022 Hier op de laptop gewoon te zien Groeten Willy Luister naar ieders kritiek maar behoud je eigen oordeel (William Shakespeare)
de vrije fries Geplaatst: 24 november 2022 Auteur Geplaatst: 24 november 2022 16 uren geleden, Tonskidutch zei: afbeeldingen zijn niet zichtbaar @de vrije fries linkje stuk <> beter een screenshot maken LCN 799 has launched. This points to different underlying services depending on which version of the EPG your device is set up to use. On HD devices it points to "SlateA" which says: Good News! You do not need to make any changes to continue viewing BBC services on this equipment. We would recommend separately checking all satellite reception equipment you use by tuning to channel 799. (this is the same slate that appears on Freeview) on SD devices it points to "SlateB" which says: Sorry, your satellite set-top box is not capable of receiving high definition services. The BBC is making all of its services available in HD on satellite. As a result, standard definition (SD) services will be closing. From early 2023 SD versions of BBC channels will not carry local programming in your area. And later in the year SD versions of BBC channels on satellite will close entirely. To continue to be able to view BBC services, you need to upgrade to high definition-capable equipment. For more information, go to (I have not been able to confirm this, as I do not possess any Freesat-SD equipment- can someone check ?) There is also a "SlateC" which says: Good news, BBC One HD is now available in HD for your local region. Please tune to channel 101 to watch BBC One HD. Though I don't think anything is using that yet. Not even in Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland which already have local news in HD. groeten uit het vrije friesland deskundigheid door ervaring
de vrije fries Geplaatst: 24 november 2022 Auteur Geplaatst: 24 november 2022 Regional versions of BBC One HD to roll out in England by Spring 2023 Freesat and Sky Freesat and Sky viewers with HD-enabled devices will soon be able to watch their local news in HD on channel 101 (BBC One HD). However, to accommodate the launch of the HD versions of our channels, we need to switch off SD services. To help with the transition to all HD, support will be available for audiences that need it. Details of this support will be available in January. Further Information More information about all these changes can be found in this BBC Blog article.: Freeview and Freesat are also launching a tool to check if you’re affected on channel 799. Detailed information about the SD and HD changes will be added to this page when they become available. HD Satellite Upgrade In association with BBC and FREESAT Welcome to the HD Satellite Upgrade website. Whilst the help scheme isn’t launching until January 2023, it’s likely you’re wanting to find out more about the forthcoming changes to the BBC satellite channels. What's happening? In January 2023, the BBC is planning some changes to its standard definition (SD) satellite channels in order to be able to launch all its channels in HD on satellite. The changes will take place in two steps: Step 1 (January 2023 through to March 2023) The current regional versions of BBC One SD will be closing over this period on a region-by-region basis. If you are still watching on an SD-only satellite device (Freesat or Sky) then you will lose access to your local programmes – all other BBC One and BBC channels programmes will be unaffected. Your regional version of BBC One SD will be replaced with a UK-wide version of BBC One SD. More details on the regional rollout will be provided when this website launches in January 2023. Step 2 (Early 2024) All the standard definition versions of the BBC’s channels, including the UK- wide version of BBC One SD as described in Step 1, will be disappearing completely. hier nog wat extra leesvoer over sky groeten uit het vrije friesland deskundigheid door ervaring
de vrije fries Geplaatst: 25 november 2022 Auteur Geplaatst: 25 november 2022 Hello The current information from the BBC says you will need an HD satellite receiver for reception of BBC Radio when the changes are made. If you already have an HD satellite receiver, you will just need to re-tune to continue listening. The BBC will provide details of the new transponder frequencies ahead of the changes. However, the BBC is currently rolling out the BBC Sounds app on all new Freesat and Sky UK receivers, which in the future will allow the BBC to remove radio from satellite. In 2024 (exact date is not published), BBC Radio 4 Extra will close on DAB, satellite and Freeview in the UK in 2024 and go online-only. There is currently no talk of the other stations leaving satellite. Regards, Iain Hatton RXTV Hallo Volgens de huidige informatie van de BBC hebt u een HD-satellietontvanger nodig om BBC Radio te kunnen ontvangen wanneer de veranderingen worden doorgevoerd. Als u al een HD-satellietontvanger hebt, hoeft u alleen maar opnieuw af te stemmen om te kunnen blijven luisteren. De BBC zal vóór de veranderingen details verstrekken over de nieuwe transponderfrequenties. De BBC rolt momenteel echter de BBC Sounds app uit op alle nieuwe Freesat en Sky UK ontvangers, waarmee de BBC in de toekomst de radio van de satelliet kan halen. In 2024 (exacte datum is niet bekendgemaakt) zal BBC Radio 4 Extra in het Verenigd Koninkrijk op DAB, satelliet en Freeview sluiten en alleen online gaan. Er is momenteel geen sprake van dat de andere stations de satelliet zullen verlaten. Groeten, Iain Hatton RXTV groeten uit het vrije friesland deskundigheid door ervaring
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