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Unpredictable behavior in CI

irdeto cam 900400

dm dont see cam

dreambox see's cam 1 sec later he see's him not complete time reset from cam

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Hoi Teebee,


je hebt niets verkeerds gezegd maar de manier waarop je je posting begint vond ik niet lekker. Als men wil dan MOET men bla bla.


Bovendien roept jouw posting vragen op.


Daarom de reaktie zoals ik die gesteld heb met daaronder een posting waarin ik je verzoek bekrachtig.


Zit niks cynisch aan alleen een paar vragen om eea duidelijk te stellen.


Volgend bugreports topic bij een volgende versie moet dus ook gestart worden met het VERZOEK om de bugs te rapporteren in het engels.


Ik weet dat jij je voor de volle 110% voor de DB inzet dus denk nou niet dat ik daar over ga zeuren of zeiken.




When playing a video on the vcr, witch is connected on the vcr scart on the dreambox, the image of the vcr plays ok. But when I stop the VCR and powerdown the VCR, the tv image from the DreamBox is frozen. It remains frozen until I zap to a other channel, but then the message appears "switch service could not been found". Only after a reboot through the menu of the Dreambox, the picture goes back to normal.



HD recording and Canal+ channels.


Got my own Dreambox today, and built the HD into it.

When I start to record on any channel that is of Canal + netherlands, then the tv picture start to flicker. But when I go to a ticket channel on sirius 5 east, en I press record then, everything goes ok. File is recorded normal, and playback is good.

What is going on with the canal+ channels ? They seems to be giving the biggest problems with the DB and recording.


I Use the Dream suggested HD type Maxtor 40 GB 34098H4.

I just tested with an external powersupply, and then everything goes well.

So there must be something wrong with the powersuply I guess..


Maybe a bigger elco will do the job ? Please check this out..



I use a DB 7000S with Aston 1.05 and original card, and A MM 1.02 with penta 1.09 and fun. The all give the problem mentioned above.



SOme additional bugs


I can't get the VBI telext working.

It's not possible to add stations that are not part of a network (SCPC)(MSNBC at Telstar 15 W).

If the box is recording, you can't switch the Audio to AC3. (This will stop the recording).


tuner part is not ok.

The problem seems that error correction is nor working as it should. Problem appears when,

- BER > 0 / signal level is < 70%

- channel is SCPC


Power supply is not ok

Although I currently do not have any problems with my harddisk I did some measurements on the 5VDC an 12VDC on the harddisk connector. This with the use of the official dream connector,

12VDC @ standby 13,0 VDC, booting 12,0 VDC, operation 12,6 VDC

the 12 VDC at standby is almost 10% to high while during operation it still is 5% above specification.

5 VDC @ all conditions 4,7 - 4,8 VDC

the 5 VDC is always very close to being 5% (4,75 VDC) off from spec (5,0 VDC)

My conclusion is that the power supply design at its current state is not adequate for any CPU based box <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

Echostar LT8700, Topfield 5000PVR en Dreambox 800HD via multiswitch op een draaibare Echostar 120cm en vaste Visiosat tri-sat schotel met Invacom en Smart LNBs


Software : Rel 1.02

Gebruikte hardware : Aston 1.05

Klacht omschrijving: When zapping over (dutch) channels the box stops decoding coded channels. BVN keeps working. Resetting the box resolves the problem (by deep standby and startup again).



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