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I have two scripts below ...... The 1.2 one works!, however I'm struggling<BR>with the 1.6!!!! .... I keep getting error messages!<BR>ACS 1.2<BR>01 01 00 00 00 27 c3 s0 00 21 5f cc 25 00 xx 26 xx xx 27 xx xx 28 xx xx 5f<BR>cc 29 dd dd 1A pp pp 1B pp 00 1C 00 00 s1<P>ACS 1.4 / 1.6<BR>01 01 00 00 00 22 c3 s0 00 1B 5f cc 69 xx xx 6A xx xx 6B xx xx 6C xx xx E7<BR>dd dd 5D 00 pp 5E pp pp s1<P>xx = masterkey<BR>dd = date<BR>pp = provider 00<P>I was advised that I was a 5F short in the 1.6 crd? also that the maximum no. of bytes with each 5F is 12 dec and that E7 is the wrong address for date ... however I still don't know what IS CORRECT?<P>Also ... can someone please tell me where I can get a memory map for both 1.2's and 1.4/6's<P>Finally .... Do I need to do anything to a 1.6 card before running the above script to change the MK+date+Prov00?<P><BR><P>------------------<BR>

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