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hoi ik heb onlangs voor een klein bedrag een aston cam aangeschaft nu mijn vraag is voor hoe lang zal canal+ zenden op seca en wanneer gaan ze op seca2 .


....maar dat zegt niets over de "levensduur" van je Aston-cam. Als je ver. 1.05 hebt, is de kans groot dat ook de nieuwe C+ kaart er in gaat werken...


The Netherlands' Canal Digitaal Satelliet digital platform has announced details of its switch-over to the Seca/Mediaguard version 2 encryption. CDS has announced the switch-over for between September and October, based on how successful the encryption switch-over goes ahead with other broadcasters - such as Italy's Telepiu and Spain's Canal Satelite Digital. Spain's CSD switched-over to the Seca/Mediaguard format on the 8th April, Italy's Telepiu are reported to be switching-over between May and June. CDS Netherlands has confirmed that all Seca/Mediaguard 1 smartcards will be exchanged free-of-charge, and exchange roll-out is expected to be automatically distributed. In relation to the Irdeto I service of CDS an announcement has been made that the platform will remain to simulcrypt with this encryption for the foreseeable future.


Aston Cam V1.05 Is Ok For Se*a 2

Aston have officialy confermed on the web site, that the

Aston V1.05 cam has been tested on Se*a 2 and that all such cams exc (V1.03/

V1.04)will work with the new Mediaguard super encryption system (Se*a 2)


All we have to do now is wait for the cards?

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