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Matrix reload cam-------> invalid card . extract ?

Aanbevolen berichten


ik heb van de week een mr-cam gekocht met ucas 3.0. ik wil deze voorzien van software mr1.04. ik ben in bezit van een mastera IV programmer, funcard 6, masterburner 2.3(chipcat schijnt hiervoor niet geschikt te zijn) en een echostar reciever type 2200 viaccess emb.


ik heb de funcard 6 met masterburner en mastera IV opgeladen met mr1.04

software, maar ik slaag er nog niet in om de mr module te updaten in de ucas

3.0. ik heb de volgende handleiding gebruikt (Smart Card download procedure)

bij stap 3. krijg ik : "invalid card , extract it".


Hoe moet ik de funcard extracten en wat heb ik hiervoor nodig?


ik hoop dat jullie me hierbij kunen helpen, bijvoorbaat dank.



The best way to programme is with fun5 cards, e.g. Galaxy3 cards.


You'll need 3 of them, or with one it works also, you only have to reprogram it.


Get yourself the zip file of the FW (today it is the version 1.03)


When you open the zip you'll find several files, unzip them all to a Map (make a new one, you can find

easily later on) In my case I'll call it MR103.


In the M103 file map you now see 2 files one "fun 5"and one "fun6"


Put you're funcard in the programmer, like Mastera, Infinity, Mastercard etc. and erase it.


Open the program you normaly use to write files on a funcard.

Some people say ChipCat will not work.

Erase the funcard.


Load the flash file (from the map MR103 > fun5) in that section.

Load the file mr103_512_11.hex in the external eeprom section en write the card.


Go to the setup of your receiver and open the section where the Common Interfase module is.


1- Open the MR section and go to Download section.

(Can't describe the real name, çause that's depending from your receiver)

2- The messages "Erasing old data, please wait..." and "Insert card 1 or serial dummy card" will be


3- Insert the first smart card and press Ok.

4- The message "Card inserted, opening" is shown, and after that "Performing smart card download..."

and wait until

5- the message "Download card completed" appears take the card out and press "Please, extract it"

6- After that, a message "Insert card 2" will be shown.


Follow the options as above until the last card has finished downloading using the eeprom file

mr103_512_21.hex for card number 2 and mr103_512_31.hex for card number 3.


7.- After the last smart card is downloaded, the message "Download complete. Copying image and

re-booting" will be shown. Just wait a few moments.


If the new version of software is not shown after about 1 minute, re-insert the module without any



When this also doesn't work, completely shut off the receiver once.

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/kweetniet.gif" alt="" />


Smart Card download procedure:


1.- Select Ci menu->UCAS V3.0->Download

2.- The messages "Erasing old data, please wait..." and "Insert card 1 or


dummy card" will be shown.

3.- Insert the first smart card and press Ok.

4.- The message "Card inserted, opening" is shown, and then

"Performing smart card download..."

5.- If several cards are used, the message "Download card completed.

Please, extract it" will appear after the first smart card has been


Extract the Smart Card and press Ok. After that, a message such as

"Insert card 2" will be shown.

6.- Insert the next smart card and press Ok.

7.- After the last smart card is downloaded, the message "Download complete.

Copying image and re-booting" will be shown. If the new version of software

is not shown after 30 seconds, re-insert the module without any smartcard.

If, after re-inserting the module, it is not initialised, switch off and

on again the STB with the module inserted.



1.- If you experience any problem before starting the downloading, a message

such us "invalid card" is shown. If so, extract the smart card, press ok,

and check that it is the first one. After that, insert it again and press


You can also try by inserting the module with the smart card already

inserted on it. In this case, you don't need to press Ok in step 3.


2.- If the smartcard is extracted or it does not respond, a message will be

shown. Press Ok, and the next menu will be shown:

- Go on with current download

- Start a new download.

Select "Go on" in order to continue with the current smart card...

or select Start a new download to start with the first smart card

Then follow the instructions.

If you extract the module while a downloading is performed, you can continue

with the current smart card in the same way because this same menu will be

shown after selecting the downloading menu.


waroom plaats jij een nieuwe bericht? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />

Jij krijg toch antwoord op de andere? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />

Pas op want de Mods gaan alle deze dubbele bericht sluiten <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />



Inderdaad, ik blijf niet bezig berichten die dubbelgepost zijn te sluiten <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggthumpdown.gif" alt="" />

Dit aub dus niet meer doen, je bent al druk zat in discussie in common interfaces en cam's.


Helaas nu al een waarschuwing te pakken, volgende keer blokkeer ik je zodat je een weekje niet kan posten.



Niet gehinderd door enige vorm van technische kennis zet ik onbevangen overal mijn schroevendraaier en soldeerbout in.

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