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Beste configuratie met Sam 9500


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Wat is nou de beste configuratie van de Sammy ?


Gebruik nu MM met Fun en soft 129, maar wil wel weer wat gaan uit proberen


Volgende week krijg ik nieuwe silverkaart binnen dus dar ga ik al mee aan de slag. Wie kan mij vertellen wat de best werkende conf. is ?


Heb nu dagelijks updat van kaart nodig anders loopt ie om de 90 sec. vast voor enkele seconden

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Die emu maakt in weze je mm en je silverkaart overbodig. De interne software kan de meeste coderingen aan, je hebt alleen een kaartje nodig dat conax nadoet om de codering te activeren, dit kan een simpel gw-tje zijn, bijvoorbeeld een bbgw zonder keys. Alle keys komen in de receiver te staan.

Ik zou serieus voor de emu kiezen, alle (gehackte) coderingen gaan werkelijk flitsend snel open, alsof ze fta zijn. Bovendien doet de emu ook conax, je hebt er wel niet zo heel veel aan, maar een paar bulgaarse zenders gaan open.

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  • 4 weken later...

Voor als iemand intresse heeft, hieronder volledige installatie handleiding voor de emu :


lease read ALL before starting_ it makes it easier.


ITEMS NEEDED;.............. 1/dsr9500_Eurocam_5-1_EMU_v2bin File..............................By H2DeeToo

2/ SammyEmuEdit v1.1.0.................................. Editor...........By Telesat

3/A prepaired bin file to use in the above editor...........anybody's.


4/One blank(no keys) Con*ax emu card, such as;BBfiles,SilverConaxis_

Titanium, etc....


For this tutorial we will move the sammy from the TV connections and take it to the computer

which may be in another room......if you are using this for your own set-up you will need to

adjust this as required!

The sammy is connected to your computer via an rs232 cable.........this means it can be connected using the exact same cable which is connected (NOT USB) to your programmer(Elvis for example..or whatever).

At this stage the receiver is wired up....BUT NOT powered; rs232 connected, and normal wall


This tutorial will also use HYPERTERMINAL.......simply because it is part of your computer anyway.


and then Hyperterminal.

We begin do the following;

Open Hyperterminal----->Select Hyperterminal Symbol------>Double Click------>Spinning Globe____

New Connection----For this tutorial we will select the red umbrella(this can be any of the symbols).

Enter the name Emu v2.1------->click o.k.-------->in the connect too box select...."Connect Using"___

Direct to com 1 (this may be 1,2,3,4...depending on which comport your programmer is connected to)

O.K. this.

You will then get a comport properties box........these settings work in the sammy for uploads of___

all kinds.

BITS PER SECOND.............115200

DATA BITS..........................8


STOP BITS............................1

FLOW CONTROL................none_____

o.k. this.

Then go to the top of your Hyperterminal EMU 2.1 Window and select transfer__press send file___

In the send file the protocol MUST be set at......... 1 K X Modem ..........Then browse for your__

dsr9500_Eurocam_5-1_EMU_v2.1bin file as stated above.

DO NOT press the send button yet!!!

Making sure ALL cards are out of the now power it up in this way, which is very important!

At the same time as switching on the sammy control at the back____hold down the RIGHT HAND__

button___TO THE RIGHT____in a few seconds you will see on the front of the receiver the number__

..........3-01...........not until you see this number on the receiver do you let the right hand button on___

the receiver go, AND at the same time as you see it___Press the send button.

This sounds long winded and complicated, but it is not and it's for the benefit of long as you__

follow this exactly you cannot go wrong.

DO NOT touch any buttons etc until the sammy has completed it's task......the sammy does the __following.

Once the sammy has taken on the 1600kbs it doesn't stop scrubs the then___

lifts the new ram info you have just put in and replaces it in the flash.

Not until the time shows clearly on the front, or the very last channel you were watching(channel number) you consider switching off the power at the back.

This is the Emu V2.1 completed........

Close the Hyperterminal(you can save or print what just happened?) and the Hyperterminal will_

ask you if you want to save's worth while saving it because the next time, all you need to do_

is click on the symbol you chose(red Umbrella) to maybe upload another brilliant soft.



The sammy is still plugged in to both the wall and the 232 cable.........but switched off at the back__

We Begin;

Using Telesat's superb EmuEditor___open it up and on the interface to the top right you will__

see the open file symbol___click on this and browse for your prepaired bin as described above__

once found load the Editor___you will see all the slots filling up, letting you know the bin is in__

the editor.

Then go to the bottom right of the Editor interface and you have three small command buttons__

for the benefit of this tutorial , on this occassion you only need the centre button(red lightning rod)_

Now place your prepaired EMPTY EEprom Con*ax Gold/Silver?Fun/Titanium in the bottom_

embedded slot with the chip facing the floor.

Switch on the receiver at the back____then using your REMOTE CONTROL switch on the receiver_

to any channel____then press the red lightning button on the Editor___you will see a red completion_

line on the Editor___a box will pop up telling you it has written O.K.___then using your REMOTE__

CONTROL switch off the receiver....then switch the receiver off at the back........take it back to your__

TV system.......and have fun.

You will not have any problems as long as you follow this exactly, and you have read this over before_

you attempt it.

Good is worth it!!!


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Heb momenteel de emu 3.1 (1.601 Kb) draaien en sta er nog steeds van te kijken hoe snel hij is. Ikzelf dien ook nog veel te leren, daar ik het toestel (dsr9500 via ci) nog maar 1 week heb. Persoonlijk, maar dit zal wel een gewoonte zijn, vind ik de settinglijst van humax gebruiksvriendelijker.




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