Gast Geplaatst: 6 augustus 2001 Geplaatst: 6 augustus 2001 New software has been released that now can be used in the Viaccess cam v478 also know as the "red cam" . The software is available for pic16f84 based cards including Goldwafer cards.The new software will work on all via cams (black label (1.20) red label(v477) red label (v478). The new files have been posted on on the usual message boards newsgroups and filez sites on the web. Until now only the commercial "V"card have been compatible with this version of viaccess cam .
Gast Geplaatst: 6 augustus 2001 Geplaatst: 6 augustus 2001 kan je mij de link toesturen aub?????<BR>
xfiles69 Geplaatst: 6 augustus 2001 Geplaatst: 6 augustus 2001 kun je de naam even geven van de desbetreffende file.<BR>Geen link of file nodig,die vind ik wel.
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