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Morgen: Board software upgrade


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Morgen ga ik de board software upgraden naar versie 6.4. Omdat dit best een flinke upgrade is en er op dit board veel extra's toegevoegd zijn (en ook de database extreem groot is <=> +/- 260MB), kan het wel even duren voordat alles weer werkt. Ik was van plan dit s'ochtends te gaan doen zodat jullie er zo weinig mogelijk last van hebben.



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De nieuwe software is erg leuk. Heeft naast veel bugfixes en verbeteringen ook veel extra mogelijkheden.

Voorproefje om je lekker te maken:


Added a new calendar system that can be used for showing public/private events and birthdays. Along with the calendar we have added finishing touches such as birthday icons next to user's names on their birthday.


Added in the ability to delete a group that is no longer needed.


Added in an option when viewing a user's profile to ignore this user. Posts from ignored users will still be shown to preserve the flow of a conversation, however the body of ignored user's posts will be set to "You are ignoring this user."


Added a new option to allow users to select from a predefined set of avatars for their picture, similar to the way this is done in UBB.classic and UBB.x.


Added an option when creating/editing a forum to select an image to be displayed next to the forum on the main page.


Moved all thread management tools out of the edit post screen and down to the bottom of showflat/showthreaded to tidy the page and make the controls more centrally located.


More work on efficiency. Added a configurable caching system to cache some things that don't change that often. This caching system will be expanded in subsequent versions to further increase efficiency.


Polls are entirely rewritten. Polls now can have multiple questions, a start and end time, and other options. Unlike the public beta, in this final release polls are upgraded properly.


Added in an option to save database queries that are used frequently from the admin section.


Reworked and expanded the search engine, adding many new options including keyword and advance search queries.


Further efficiency work done on the queries in showflat, show threaded, and poslist.php.


"Mark all read" and "my Cookies" is now in "My Home".


Added a new table cell on the postlist page to display the hot topic icons, sticky posts, posts with polls, closed topics, or posts with attachments.


Added a new icon on the postlist screen in the new table cell that helps designate topics that are attached to a calendar event. Thanks to Joshpet for the image.



Verder ga ik er erg veel extra features aan toevoegen:

-Input a years Holidays into the 6.4 Calendar with one touch (vakantie's in de kalender)

-Allow Visited Pages To Be Cached By Browser (sneller browsen)

-Advanced UBBT Code 2.2 (meer mogelijkheden voor opmaak van je bericht)

-Online Users 2.0 (je kunt in de postlist zien wie er online is)

-Top News 2.0 (forum specifiek nieuws boven ieder forum)

-Birthday Greeting 1.0 (spreekt voor zich)

-PM Mailer - for 6.4 (krijg een kopie van verzonden PM's in je mailbox)

-PMs Via Email 2.1 (ontvang je PM's via e-mail)

-Admin Selectable Ratings 2.0 (waarderingen door ons toegekend)

-No Image Tag in Signatures (geen afbeeldingen in de handtekening)

-Tool Tip Body Preview 3.0 (laat de eerste 100 karakters van een post zien als je er met je muis overheen gaat)

-Forum Instructions 3.5 (spreekt voor zich)

-Quote Username 1.0 (laat zien wie je quote)

-Inline Images 3.1 (laat een plaatje in de bijlage direct zien in je bericht)


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dit is een nederlands forum,laatste waarschuwing anders een ban voor 2 weken <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/loldev.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/loldev.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/loldev.gif" alt="" />



dat zeg ik ..............linux

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Added in an option when viewing a user's profile to ignore this user. Posts from ignored users will still be shown to preserve the flow of a conversation, however the body of ignored user's posts will be set to "You are ignoring this user."

Zo, alle moderators in de ignore lijst <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
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dit lijk me wel wat <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />



Added in an option when viewing a user's profile to ignore this user. Posts from ignored users will still be shown to preserve the flow of a conversation, however the body of ignored user's posts will be set to "You are ignoring this user."



bigfoot was me voor <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />




Dreambox DM8000HD


AZBOX Premium +


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Weet iemand wat de zin "You are ignoring this user" in de twee berichten boven mij betekend? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/loldev.gif" alt="" />

Bigfoot en ik lezen elkaars berichten toch niet.
lijk me duidelijk <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />

Dreambox DM8000HD


AZBOX Premium +


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