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Ik kreeg 'No screens found' foutmelding en X startte helemaal niet op. Na heel wat geknoei met de config file van X, heb ik toch beeld maar ik krijg mijn resolutie niet hoger dan vga <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

Ik heb een 15" TFT, AMD 1400 met NVidia Geforce2 GTS en zou graag 1024x768 willen. Ik heb de xf86config en xf86cfg ook al geprobeerd. Ik heb gelezen dat superprobe de grafische kaart zou detecteren maar kan het niet vinden. In de config file staat er NVIDIA GeForce maar ook Standard VGA. Kan het zijn dat X de verkeerde parameters gebruikt?

Ik had fedora ook geinstalleerd, daar was het geen enkel probleem.


Er staan 4 verschillende Graphics drivers op de Site van Nvidia

Maar die heb je waarschijnlijk allang geprobeerd ;-)


<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/xyxthumbs.gif" alt="" />


eerst de drivers ( de ia32 versie) installeren en dan de xf86config aanmaken.


Heb als voorbeeld mijn eigen hier geplaatst.



Section "Module"    Load        "dbe"  	# Double buffer extension        SubSection  "extmod"#		Option    "omit xfree86-dga"   # don't initialise the DGA extension		Option    "xfree86-dga"   # don't initialise the DGA extension        EndSubSection    Load        "type1"    Load        "freetype"    Load       "glx"EndSectionSection "Files"    RgbPath	"/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local/"    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/"    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"    ModulePath "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"EndSectionSection "ServerFlags"#    Option "NoTrapSignals"#    Option "DontZap"#    Option "Dont Zoom"#    Option "DisableVidModeExtension"#    Option "AllowNonLocalXvidtune"#    Option "DisableModInDev"#    Option "AllowNonLocalModInDev"EndSectionSection "InputDevice"    Identifier	"Keyboard1"    Driver	"Keyboard"#   Option     "Protocol"      "Xqueue"    Option "AutoRepeat" "500 30"#   Option	"Xleds"      "1 2 3"#   Option "LeftAlt"     "Meta"#   Option "RightAlt"    "ModeShift"#   Option "XkbModel"    "pc102"#   Option "XkbModel"    "microsoft"#   Option "XkbLayout"   "de"#   Option "XkbVariant"  "nodeadkeys"#    Option "XkbOptions"  "ctrl:swapcaps"#    Option "XkbRules"    "xfree86"#    Option "XkbModel"    "pc101"#    Option "XkbLayout"   "us"#    Option "XkbVariant"  ""#    Option "XkbOptions"  ""#    Option "XkbDisable"    Option "XkbRules"	"xfree86"    Option "XkbModel"	"pc101"    Option "XkbLayout"	"us"EndSectionSection "InputDevice"    Identifier	"Mouse1"    Driver	"mouse"    Option 	"Protocol"    "IMPS/2"    Option 	"Device"      "/dev/input/mice"    Option      "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"    Option      "Emulate3Buttons" "no"EndSectionSection "Monitor"    Identifier  "FT775"    HorizSync   30-70    VertRefresh 50-160    vendorname "LGE"    modelname "FT775"#	ModeLine "1280x1024/61Hz" 110 1280 1328 1512 1712 1024 1025 1028 1054#	ModeLine "1152x900/58Hz" 80 1152 1208 1368 1474 900 901 911 932#	ModeLine "1024x768/85Hz" 98.9 1024 1056 1216 1408 768 782 788 822  -HSync -VSync#	ModeLine "1024x768/60Hz" 65 1024 1032 1176 1344 768 771 777 806  -HSync -VSync#	ModeLine "1152x864/78Hz" 110 1152 1240 1324 1552 864 864 876 908#	ModeLine "1152x864/60Hz" 89.9 1152 1216 1472 1680 864 868 876 892  -HSync -VSync#	ModeLine "1152x864/70Hz" 92 1152 1208 1368 1474 864 865 875 895#	ModeLine "1024x768/76Hz" 85 1024 1032 1152 1360 768 784 787 823#    ModeLine "1024x768/70Hz" 75 1024 1048 1184 1328 768 771 777 806#	ModeLine "800x600/100Hz" 69.65 800 864 928 1088 600 604 610 640  -HSync -VSyncEndSectionSection "Monitor"    Identifier  "Compaq"    HorizSync   30-50    VertRefresh 50-100    vendorname "LGE"    modelname "FT775"#	ModeLine "1280x1024/61Hz" 110 1280 1328 1512 1712 1024 1025 1028 1054#	ModeLine "1152x900/58Hz" 80 1152 1208 1368 1474 900 901 911 932#	ModeLine "1024x768/85Hz" 98.9 1024 1056 1216 1408 768 782 788 822  -HSync -VSync#	ModeLine "1024x768/60Hz" 65 1024 1032 1176 1344 768 771 777 806  -HSync -VSync#	ModeLine "1152x864/78Hz" 110 1152 1240 1324 1552 864 864 876 908#	ModeLine "1152x864/60Hz" 89.9 1152 1216 1472 1680 864 868 876 892  -HSync -VSync#	ModeLine "1152x864/70Hz" 92 1152 1208 1368 1474 864 865 875 895#	ModeLine "1024x768/76Hz" 85 1024 1032 1152 1360 768 784 787 823#       ModeLine "1024x768/70Hz" 75 1024 1048 1184 1328 768 771 777 806#	ModeLine "800x600/100Hz" 69.65 800 864 928 1088 600 604 610 640  -HSync -VSyncEndSectionSection "Device"    Identifier	"Standard VGA"    VendorName	"Standard Vendor"    BoardName	"Standard Board"    Driver     "vga"#    BusID      "PCI:0:10:0"#    VideoRam	256#    Clocks	25.2 28.3EndSectionSection "Device"    Identifier  "NVIDIA GeForce"    Driver      "nvidia"    VideoRam    32768    vendorname "NVidia"    boardname "GeForce2 MX DDR"EndSectionSection "Screen"    Identifier  "Screen 1"    Device      "NVIDIA GeForce"    Monitor     "FT775"    DefaultDepth 24    Subsection "Display"        Depth       8        Modes       "800x600/100Hz" "800x600" "1024x768" "1280x1024" "640x480"        ViewPort    0 0		Virtual 0 0    EndSubsection    Subsection "Display"        Depth       16        Modes       "1280x1024" "800x600" "1024x768" "1280x1024"        ViewPort    0 0		Virtual 0 0    EndSubsection    Subsection "Display"        Depth       24        Modes       "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600"        ViewPort    0 0		Virtual 0 0    EndSubsectionEndSectionSection "Screen"    Identifier  "Screen 2"    Device      "NVIDIA GeForce"    Monitor     "Compaq"    DefaultDepth 24    Subsection "Display"        Depth       8        Modes       "800x600/100Hz" "800x600" "1024x768" "1280x1024" "640x480"        ViewPort    0 0		Virtual 0 0    EndSubsection    Subsection "Display"        Depth       16        Modes       "800x600" "1024x768" "1280x1024"        ViewPort    0 0		Virtual 0 0    EndSubsection    Subsection "Display"        Depth       24        Modes       "1024x768"        ViewPort    0 0		Virtual 0 0    EndSubsectionEndSectionSection "ServerLayout"    Identifier  "Simple Layout"    Screen "Screen 1"    InputDevice "Mouse1" "CorePointer"    InputDevice "Keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard"EndSection  

't is mij gelukt <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


Ik heb alles terug geinstalleerd maar ipv LCD heb ik CRT gekozen. Ik heb in de config file de resoluties onder 1024 weggelaten en nu post ik vanuit debian op 1024x768 <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


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